Senin 10 Sep 2018 20:30 WIB

Govt ensures smooth supply of post-quake basic necessities

Basic necessities for refugees of NTB made available by govt and non-govt agencies.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Social Affairs Minister Agus Gumiwang
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
Social Affairs Minister Agus Gumiwang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Social Affairs Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has made assurance that the supply of basic necessities for refugees of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) will be smooth. He explained that the stocks of basic needs were made available by various governmental and non-governmental agencies.

"I have visited the affected areas and found no problems in the distribution of basic needs. I evaluated the readiness of stocks of basic needs," the minister stated here on Monday.

Regarding the reconstruction of damaged houses of residents, Kartasasmita noted that his ministry was currently awaiting the comprehensive verification results of the local government in classifying the extent of damage as minor, moderate, or heavy damage. As soon as the verification results are announced, the government will direct the funds to the recipients' saving accounts, so they can reconstruct their houses immediately.

His side had prepared as many as 90 Psycho-social Support Services personnel, as trauma handling was also one of the main areas of focus. As proclaimed, the Ministry of Social Affairs had prioritized rehabilitation and social protection for NTB earthquake victims as stipulated in Presidential Instruction No 5 of 2018.