Selasa 23 Oct 2018 18:00 WIB

National Police denies political element in Ahmad Dhani case

Ahmad Dhani has been named as suspect in defamation case.

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Musician and politician Ahmad Dhani
Foto: Republika/Mahmud Muhyidin
Musician and politician Ahmad Dhani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police denied any criminalization and political elements in investigating musician Ahmad Dhani defamation case. The investigation was done as purely legal act.

“Investigators have examined a number of evidences and several experts, linguists, and collected a number of other evidences, so the act is proven has violated law,” said National Police spokesman Dedi Prasetyo on Monday (Oct 22).

According to Dedi, from the evidences that found by police, Ahmad Dhani met the requirements to be named as suspect. He stressed police acts based on legal facts, not political matters.

Ahmad Dhani defamation case triggered by refusal of his arrival in Surabaya, East Java, by a group of people. He the failed to join #2019ChangePresident event on last August.

Also read: #2019GantiPresiden raises provocative issues: Observer

He was reported to East Java Police by Elemen Bela NKRI Coalition because considered to have insulted the mass of Koalisi Elemen Bela (KEB) NKRI.  The report was officially made by KEB-NKRI chairman Edi Firmanto on August 30.

The evidence included in the report was on the form of video that showed Ahmad Dhani called people who protested his presence as ‘idiot’. Ahmad Dhani then was examined at East Java Police headquarter on Oct 1 as witness. On Oct 18, he was named as suspect in defamation case.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Dhani admitted that he did not bother with his determination as suspect. He said has been repeatedly named as suspect and travel ban against him is considered as normal thing.

“I have become a suspect for 11 times and I just entered court in this political year,” Ahmad Dhani said.

Ahmad Dhani’s lawyer, Aldwin Rahadian said his client did not mention anyone's name in the evidence video. Therefore, the investigation did not meet the elements of law.

“In video, Ahmad Dhani did not mention anyone’s name, even though it’s one of the conditions, as stipulated in Article 310, 311, which there must be a name of a defamed person . If there is already an element, then it can be processed," Aldwin explained.

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