Kamis 01 Nov 2018 12:18 WIB

Flag-burning case has ended

Muhammadiyah's has handed over flag-burning case to the police.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Teguh Firmansyah
Ribuan warga berunjuk rasa memprotes pembakaran bendera berkalimat Tauhid di depan gedung Sate, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Jumat (26/10/2018).
Foto: Antara/M Agung Rajasa
Ribuan warga berunjuk rasa memprotes pembakaran bendera berkalimat Tauhid di depan gedung Sate, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Jumat (26/10/2018).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) has discussed the Tauhid's flag burning incident with their counterpart Muhammadiyah on Wednesday. Both Muslim organisations agreed to round off this issue.  

According to head of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir, GP Ansor and PBNU have apologized for the incident which spark outraged recently. The problem is already solved and does not need to be extended anymore.  

“GP Ansor and PBNU have apologized for the incident. But, we agree in Indonesia there should be no ideologies and movements that contrary with Pancasila,” Haedar explained.

Muhammadiyah and NU have the same duties to safeguard the country's ideology, said Haedar. Therefore, Muhammadiyah's has handed over Tauhid's flag burning case entirely to the police.

Social medias were enlivened by the spread of videos tauhid's flag that was burned on Oct 22. The perpetrators considered the flag as representation of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) who has been prohibited in Indonesia. 

Otherwise, Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) stated that the flag was tauhid's flag and not HTI's symbol. MUI also asked perpetrators of the incident to apologize and admitted their mistake to Muslims.

However, GP Ansor chairman Yaqut Cholil Qaumas questioned MUI suggestion. He said his party did not see the flag as Tauhid's flag, but belongs to HTI.

Currently, Yaqut asserted that GP Ansor has apologized if public felt disturb with the incident. He said all parties must understood each other.

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