Jumat 30 Nov 2018 04:14 WIB

Fahri calls on presidential candidates to join 212 reunion

The 212 reunion rally to be held at Monas square, Jakarta, on Sunday (Dec 2).

Millions of people follow 212 rally in Monas area, Jakarta, Friday (Dec 2, 2016).
Foto: Antara/Muhammad Adimaja
Millions of people follow 212 rally in Monas area, Jakarta, Friday (Dec 2, 2016).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Fahri Hamzah called on the two pairs of presidential-vice presidential candidates to attend the 212 reunion rally at the National Monument (Monas) Square here on Sunday (Dec 2).  The 212 reunion rally was an endeavor to maintain the nation's unity in diversity, although people have different political preferences, in next year's parliamentary and presidential elections, he stated.

"I propose that Mr. Jokowi (popular nickname of Joko Widodo) and Mr. Prabowo Subianto come to the event along with their respective running mates, shake hands, and hug each other ahead of the 2019 Presidential Elections," he told journalists here on Thursday.

Fahri said people need to see this upcoming event as a momentum to celebrate a fiesta which would make them all happy. He added that the event should be relaxed, because several millions of people would join the rally.

"Thus, it is much better to be present. I myself will attend the rally. Although I am not given a chance to speak, it does not matter," he noted.

Millions of people follow 212 rally in Monas area, Jakarta, Friday (Dec 2, 2016).

Also read: '212 rally is the most massive Friday prayer in the history'

Those wanting to join the 212 reunion rally, as a moment to celebrate togetherness, should not be frightened, Fahri said. Therefore, the state should not make participants of the peaceful rally get traumatized, he warned.

Instead, the state must make those attending the rally be relaxed and not to create foes. Similar events, participated in by lots of people, in the past were peaceful, Fahri noted.

Held at the capital city's icon, Monas Square, from around 03.00 am local time to midday on Sunday (Dec 2), the 212 reunion rally will be filled with a series of programs, including Tahajud prayer, predawn (subuh) prayer, Dhuha prayer, and reciting Qur'an.

The event will also be enlivened by preaching from several respected Muslim figures and Muslim preachers, including Habib Rizieq Shihab, founder of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), who will preach through live-streaming from Saudi Arabia.

Early this week, the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) Jakarta Chapter has let Muslims across the country join the 212 reunion rally.

"You are all welcomed because the purpose of 212 reunion rally is to strengthen 'silaturahim' (communal togetherness) among Muslims," Chairman of MUI Jakarta Chapter KH Munahar Mukhtar remarked.

The event should be used for cementing the communal togetherness as taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore, any act of violence and anarchy is absolutely not allowed, Mukhtar added.

The 212 rally was held on Dec 2, 2016, by the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Council's Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) to demand the prosecution of former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) for insulting Islam.

The 212 rally was joined by around seven million Indonesian Muslims coming from greater Jakarta areas and many other cities, towns, and districts across the country. The rally, which ran peacefully, was also attended by many Indonesians living abroad.

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