Kamis 21 Feb 2019 22:06 WIB

Maruf urges ulemas to learn the context of Quran verses

Maruf Amin says nowadays there are a lot of 'almakiyun' ulemas.

Rep: Muhyiddin, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice presidential candidate number 01 KH Ma'ruf Amin (right) visits tomb of Sheikh Yusuf in Gowa, South Sulawesi, Thursday (Feb 21).
Foto: Antara/Yusran Uccang
Vice presidential candidate number 01 KH Ma'ruf Amin (right) visits tomb of Sheikh Yusuf in Gowa, South Sulawesi, Thursday (Feb 21).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Vice presidential candidate number 01, KH Ma'ruf Amin visited to Darul Ahsan's House of Recitation and Da'wah in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Thursday (Feb 21). He was received by Murshid of Darul Ahsan, Habib Abdurrahim Assegaf Puang Makka and his congregations.

Before a number of religious leaders, Ma'ruf advised that ulamas should know the background and aim of verses of the Qur'an. He noticed that many scholars explain about a verse without paying attention to the context and current conditions.

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"Verses of war should not be used in peaceful countries. This is what gave birth to extremism, intolerance and terrorism," said Kiai Ma'ruf who is also general chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) said on Thursday (Feb 21).

Ma'ruf also advised that ulemas and religious leaders to take part in campaigning for tackling fake news as spreading hoax is a despicable trait which is prohibited by religion. He also requested that scholars to avoid imposing their will when preaching.

Because da'wah must put foward polite and gentle ways as taught by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Ma'ruf said.

"Don't do it in ways that are not polite. Nowadays there are a lot of preachers came from the 'almakiyun' community, those who convey da'wah with cursing, they should convey da'wah gently (layinan)," said Ma'ruf.

The ulema's tasks are not easy, Ma'ruf said. As the heir of the prophet, ulema must perfect the morals of the people while maintaining the integrity of the nation, he said.

"The tarekat people also exist to perfect humanity to become the best human beings, clean from shirk," he explained.

Meanwhile, Murshid of Darul Ahsan, Habib Abdurrahim stated that the lecture of Kiai Ma'ruf in the event could enlighten him and his congregation to contribute more to the nation and the country. Moreover, he said, Kiai Ma'ruf has a deep understanding about the state and religion.

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