Senin 16 Apr 2012 18:21 WIB

Indonesia's Noisy Path

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Nasihin Masha
Foto: Republika/Daan
Nasihin Masha

By Nasihin Masha

At the end of March, President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY) looked very happy. His visit to South Korea was a big success, well said. A number of Memorandum of Understandings were signed. 

SBY  had three meeting schedule with President Lee Myung-bak. On that day, Lee had 27 meeting schedules with head of states.  In fact, just  the day before he just hosted Nuclear Security Summit attended by 53 states. But, not all of them got the same honour as SBY. Denmark President, Helle Thorning-Schmidt only got a single breakfast meeting whereas he currently sat as European Union president. On the other hand, SBY got the opportunities to have breakfast meeting, bilateral meeting and dinner meeting.

During dinner meeting, in addition to Korea’s top CEOs presence, SBY was also entertained by Korean traditional arts. Not to mention, they also sang “Bengawan Solo” song created by Gesang and “Save the World” by SBY himself. One of Lee’s counsellor generals admitted to Republika that it was quite a while since the last traditional Korean entertainment was performed to state’s guests. 

No surprise, SBY then invited South Korea to be Indonesia’s prime partner. All these years, Indonesia “only” had 16 states strategic partners. Of course, this is such an enticing invitation due to its special treatment. This joyful story also perceived when meeting United Kingdom’s Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.

SBY told that Clegg was surprised to Indonesia’s economic growth had consistently sat on six prcent during these past few years whereas world economy was collapsing. “He made a joke if he could asked for only one percent,” SBY added. 

Helle also appraise Indonesia’s special role on helping Myanmar transform to democracy. SBY was appraised for his role on freeing South East Asia from nuclear weapons. Happy story and appraisal to appraisal received by SBY whenever he had state visit to abroad. But the most obvious was how Lee’s treated SBY and Helle. Here, the economic law applied. Europe is on his sunset, while Asia Pacific is on his sunrise.

China, India, and Indonesia are three countries with rising economic growth while other countries are collapsed hit by global crisis. Also Brazil and Russia. Indonesia has a large market, population structure with high productive age, increasing purchasing power, growing middle class, competitive labour wage, abundant natural resources, political stability well balanced for the last seven years, and a democratic country. All these facts have made Indonesia as one of the most appealing country. 

But, on Thursday, the morning before returned back to Home Land, SBY’s face turned gloom. New development arisen. Golkar Party stated not to support fuel price increment. In fact, the next day was supposed to be the plenary session in House of Representative to determine State Budget Amendments, which would include fuel price increment. Demonstration noises waved before he visited China, Hong Kong, and South Korea did not disturb SBY whatsoever. He was still cheerful. But, Golkar Party’s shifting decision had made everything fell apart. His face went to gloom.

He was woken up with the contradictory treatments from international and domestic public. In domestic public he was being offended, insulted, and disrespected. All the progress he achieved since his leadership was taken for granted: the country was dubbed as an autopilot country. A country runs by itself without a leader. SBY was rated absent in the centre of public. If only he presents, then Indonesia’s progress could be much faster.

Must the path walked by Indonesia’s leader to be so steep? Soekarno was removed from power. Soeharto was brought down. Habibie’s faced the same fate. Although Megawati and Gus Dur were not brought down in the middle of the road, but both were insulted and offended. Indonesian politics become too noisy. Is this noisy path a fate one must walk on by?

(Indira Amaranti)

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