Selasa 24 Apr 2012 20:18 WIB

When a State Mufti was Interrogated

Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

By Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

A number of Arabian online media in nearly the whole week put headlines about the furore of Syeikh Dr. Ali Jum’ah, the Egyptian Mufti’s (a Muslim legal expert and adviser on the law of the Quran/Shari ‘a -Ed) visit to Masjidil Aqsa in Madinatul Quds -Zionist and Western media called it Jerusalem. A visit to Muslims first qibla (prayer direction –Ed)seems a natural thing, even a desire of almost every Muslim.

What made it a furore, this visit was done by a state mufti. Especially, the state was Egypt, land where Al Azhar stood. Al Azhar has been identified as the center of knowledge and ulama of many countries. The next problem, Masjidil Aqsa and Madinatul Quds until today are still occupied by Israeli Zionist. Therefore, this visit could be taken as normalization (tatbi’ul alaqat) with Israel.

This visit was done by Syeikh Jum’ah on last Wednesday. One day before, all influential ulamas in Egypt who are affiliated to Majma’ Al-Bukhus Al-Islamiyah (Islamic Research Institute) held emergency conference at once and sent Syeikh Jum’ah back home for trial or to be interrogated, to be exact. The three hours interrogation was led by Syeikh Al Azhar Dr Ahmad Thayib and were attended by Egyptian Minister of Awqaf, Dr Mohammad Abul Fadhil Al-Qoushy.

Syeikh Jum’ah firmly stated to the swarming journalists after the interrogation that his visit to Masjidil Aqsa was personal and unofficial. He also did not represent Darul Ifta, Al Azhar or any other. “I took my Dhuhr prayer in Masjidil Aqsa and there was no Israel flag. My passport also did not have any Israel stamp,” he said.

According to him, his visit to Madinatul Quds was by the invitation of Amir Ghazi bin Mohammad, the son of King Jordan’s uncle, to open Imam Ghazali Islamic Study Centre in Jerusalem. ‘’I was in a position of unable to reject royal family’s (Jordan) invitation.”

When he was asked if this visit could be a hint of permission to Muslims to visit Muslim’s first kiblah, he said, every condition differs. His visit, he said, must be taken as special. “And for something that is special cannot be taken generally.’’ Jum’ah said diplomatically.

According to Dr Abdul Mukti Bayumi, Majma’ spokesman, after hearing Syeikh Jum’ah testimony, ulamas have made firm decision that Jum’ah has violate Muslims and Coptic Christians’ decision for forbidding to visit holy places in Madinatul Quds as long as still occupied by Israel. “In fact, Al-Azhar fatwa has been issued long time ago stated to visit Madinatul Quds as long as still occupied by Zionist was haraam shar’i (forbidden –Ed).”

Strong reactions not only came from ulamas. Egyptian politician who affiliated to Islamic Political Party Caucus also condemned mufti’s visit to that country. This caucus now dominates parliament (Majlis Sya’ab) and People’s Consultative Council (Majlis Syura) majority seats. They demanded Syeikh Ali Jum’ah to be terminated immediately from his position as state mufti and apologize to all Muslims. Egyptian mufti was appointed by the president who currently held by military until a president is elected on next July.

Their reason, Egyptian mufti’s visit to Madinatul Quds could be taken as relationship normalization or even recognition to Israel colonialism to Holy Land. According to them, Madinatul Quds liberation, especially Masjidil Aqsa, not only become Palestinians’ duty, but all Muslims’ in the world.

Therefore, Egyptian mufti’s visit to Jerusalem, whatever the reason, could be taken as traitory to Muslims. In Qatar, Head of International Islamic Ulama Association, Syeikh Yusuf Qaradhawi firmly stated, Egyptian mufti’s visit to Madinatul Quds will strengthen Zionist’s grip.

“Such visit will also benefit Zionist, in economic, social, culture or politics.” Therefore, according to Qaradhawi, any kind of visit even though for religious reason, for example to perform shalat in Masjidil Aqsa which under enemy’s occupancy was haraam (forbidden) according to religion, except for Palestinian who lived there.

“We are all longing to visit and perform shalat in Masjidil Aqsa. But for as long as it is still occupied by Israel, lawfully haraam to visit until we set Madinatul Quds (Jerusalem) free.”

I could not believe how those three hours interrogation lasted. Also how this Egyptian mufti faced critics from his fellow ulama. The atmosphere could be very hot. A state mufti as well as doctorate great ulama was “put in trial’’ by great ulamas and doctorates as well.

Their knowledge and insight about religion are surely qualified. What I want to underline here is what have been and will be done by world Muslims, especially the ulamas, to liberate Palestine, Madinatul Quds and Masjidil Aqsa? What also have been done by the state leaders of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).

I’m afraid we are just “talking only” or NATO (no action talk only) just like what has happened all along. If these conditions keep occurring, then when can we take back Madinatul Quds and Masjidil Aqsa? And, when can we perform shalat in the mosque which were Muslims’first kiblah? Wallahu a’lam.





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