Senin 27 Jan 2014 12:57 WIB

Good people emerge in flooding (2)

Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri



As quickly as it did, members of takmir (caretakers) and some of their families are ready to become volunteer committee at the same time. It means, volunteers do not get paid. Volunteers mean not taking a penny from refugee aid for the benefit of private interests and especially own family.

For days and nights, volunteer committee are ready to assist all available refugees. They eat and drink with them. The mosque committee should at least prepare for the three times meals for refugees a day. Until Friday (24/1), the number of refugees reached more than 3400 people from 800 families (head of household), including dozens of infants and children. At night that number could grow.

The most troublesome is usually on the first day. To provide meals, volunteers relied on Attahiriyah families. On the second day and so on various aids began to arrive. The contributors, donors, or whatever it is, who want to give up part of his property to help the refugees, come from various backgrounds. There are agencies/private companies, state enterprises, organizations, foundations, universities, schools, mosques, taklim, churches, and so on.

However, more precisely donations come from individuals. There were school children, college students, teachers, employees, and ordinary people as 'servant of God' mentioned in the beginning of this paper. Even many couples come together with their families. It seems the parent utilized flood to raise awareness and humanitarian spirit to their children.

Based on recorded names, we know contributors come from many different backgrounds, neither based on ethnicity, race, or religion. Such flood has brought Indonesia people together without seeing the difference of identity and social status. The fortunate one helps the less fortunate. The have helps the have not.

The view as seen in the flood shelters in Attahiriyah mosque can certainly be found in many other places in Jakarta or even in Indonesia, whether it's, in a mosque, a church, or in the buildings and meeting halls.

Then where is the role of government? In the case of Attahiriyah Mosque, responds of government officials and the governor Joko Widodo as well as Deputy Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama were not as fast as the community volunteer's responds. Government officials, indeed, did not have to be a volunteer who can work all day and night for days assisting the refugees.

Although, it's known that government officials are civil servants to support state. They are supposed to serve the public. They are paid from state funds collected from people taxes, including the refugees.



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