Selasa 22 Mar 2016 22:50 WIB

The world learning from this Palestinian teacher too!

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

We have a proverb 'Guru pee standing up, student pee ran'. That mean, teachers are exemplary. He is an example. The behavior of the students will follow the behavior of the educator. If you are polite, the students will be more polite. If you talk harshly, your student will scold. When you cursed, students will return cursed you with expletives crazier. If you teach a violent, hitting for example, do not be surprised if the student is then like to fight.

Hanan al Harub, a Palestinian teacher, seems to deeply understand the meaning of that our proverbs. Although, I am sure, she never heard the saying that is meant to satirize the behavior or bad temper these teachers. Hanan al Harub taught at the School Samiha Khalil in the city of al-Bireh, Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine.

As Palestinian women, she would know very well the behavior of the Arabs when he was angry. Consider one of expletives that are often out of the mouth of the Arabs in the edge of the road when angry, '' Anta Ibn sittin kalb! '' The meaning, you, your parents, your grandparents to 60 generations above you are breeds of dogs. Or 'Yakhriq Baitak (burned your house)'. Also 'Anta Ibn syarmuthoh', you son of a bitch, and so on. Imagine, if coarse expletives as it is said by educators in front of students.

It could be hostility, conflict, and disharmonious among the Arabs of the Middle East because of the influence of hard and rough temperament. Rough temperament which is reflected in various expletives indecent earlier.

Hanan al Harub seems well aware of the harsh temper these Arabs. Especially among his own people: Palestine. Moreover, the Palestinians who for decades have experienced much suffering due to the Israeli occupation. Almost every day they witness the violence and the atrocities of the army and the Israelis in the Jewish settlement in Palestine. Even violence also occurs among people of Palestine themselves.

Differences in attitude in the face of Israeli occupation turned out to have caused separation among the Palestinians. There is Fatah faction. There is Hamas. There are also small groups oriented to the radical al Qaeda, ISIS, and so on. This separation is not infrequently led to a bloody conflict between them.

As an educator, Hanan al Harub want to protect young Palestinian people from all adversely affected the violence. She also does not want the Palestinian children who would become the nation's leaders behave rough and rude. The point, she wanted to keep the students from the trauma of violence, poverty, and inconvenience as a result of the Israeli occupation.

Over the years he campaigned for the movement of ''La lil' unfi fi at ta'lim'' 'alias' ''there should be no violence in the world of education''. The movement that echoes not only in the world of education in Palestine, but also has worldwide. Especially after a British international educational institutions, Global Education Management Systems (GEMS), adopted the educational system developed by Hanan al Harub. GEMS, based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, aims, among other things increase the professional status of teachers.

Last week, the social wing of GEMS, The Varkey Foundation, rewarding Hanan al Harub as World Best Teacher. She set aside the finalists of The Global Teacher Prize this year from Britain, India, Kenya, Finland, and the United States.

According to GEMS, violence in education world is not only experienced by Palestinian children. In different parts of the world also occur. Therefore, the campaign Hanan al Harub 'La lil' unfi fi at ta'lim 'should serve as a model of education around the world. Al Harub was rewarded with a reward of 1 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp 13 billion.

Al Harub said, the prize money will be used to help his students. She is confident teachers can change the world. ''I am proud to be a teacher of Palestinian children, '' she said during a speech after receiving the award in the magnificent event in Dubai on Sunday last week.

Al Harub born and grow up in a Palestinian refugee camp near Bethlehem. One day, after school, her children saw their father shot dead Israeli soldiers. Since then, for day after day, the children also suffered prolonged trauma. She decided to teach them how to cope with the trauma. On the sidelines of her children deal with the trauma, she then entered the university to qualify as an educator. Moreover, many other children who are also experiencing the same trauma with her children.

''I see other children traumatized the same with my children. They will get lost if I do not teach them, '' al Harub give a reason why she became a teacher.

Al Harub finally taught school refugee children in the city of al-Bireh, Ramallah. School named Sami Khalil al Madrasah accommodates children of elementary, junior high to high school. Here Hanan al Harub started the movement 'La lil' unfi fi at ta'lim '. She also developed a system of education that learning is fun. Not boring. Learning it is colorful. Not monotonous.

Learning is interactive. Not a monologue. Learning is playing. Not frowned. Learning is exciting. Not a burden. Learning is singing. Instead of sitting in silence. Learning is relaxed. Also serious.

She also writes educational books 'Nal'ab Nata'allam wa', we play and learn. Her book comes with pictures, games, teaching aids and other fun. The approach studied with this method is so that learning is fun. In order for children to forget the violence of life outside of school. In order for them to forget the trauma of violence, poverty, and inconvenience as a result of the Israeli occupation. Al Harub not only provide education, but also classrooms that are safe and comfortable.

'' I help the children overcome the trauma by letting them play. At school they have things that they do not have in other places. They should really feel safe and comfortable at school. We are all family. We are all one team. ''

However, continued al Harub, there are several challenges when he began the pattern of education he wanted. One of them is the perception by other teachers. Because, she says, no matter how good the system and model of education, a key to its success: the teachers. Here teachers must not only as a teacher. They should also serve as an educator. That is someone who can be a role model. Being an example for the students. Therefore, when the teacher pee standing up, then the students will pee while running.

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