Jumat 02 Sep 2016 11:27 WIB

President Jokowi's lock and lock

Nasihin Masha
Foto: Republika/Daan
Nasihin Masha

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, There were many factors that made a president memorable. First, he/she has a stunning vision and mission, and also visioner. Second, he/she has a clear, cohernt, and measurable programs that confrom to the vision and mision. Third, has a solid and competent team. Fourth, has the ability to lead and great managerial skill. Fifth, able to cooperate with many parties. Sixth, able to maintain public acceptance to his leadership and this ability gave postive impact to the next election.

President Jokowi hold point number one and six very well. Enchanted by his Trisakti dan Nawacita vision and mission, public has given their best support to Jokowi. Jokowi was also able to maintained his popularity and public support. He can controlled his political opponent and partners. He managed to keep public opinion very well by mass media nor social media.  

In the other hand, Jokowi must strive for success in other four factors. Nawacita and Trisakti, for instance, has begun to lost it's charm. Why did those four factor failed him? There are two causative factors.

The first one is Jokowi was trying too hard to keep his seat safe. He put those effort as priority. Secondly, he publisized about Pilpres 2019 too early. It showed as anxiety.

Meanwhile, economic condition increasingy degenerate. Rupiah was still down in Rp 13 thousands per US dollar. Purchasing power has not recovered yet. APBN deficit has been threatening, despite the cut off budget by the government. Tax amnesty has gained controversy. Second chapter cabinet reshuffle was messy and transactional. Export and import were slumping. 

Economic condition is getting harder. That's the point. Bussiness activities are harder nowdays. People are suffering even more. Political condition is still not conducive. Indeed, there is a good news, specifically in the declining of economic inequality number. But, the fact is that condition was achieved by direct funding from government to the people, i.e. rural fund nor infrastructure projects. 

This was not the real and structural foothold. It's foundation was so vurnerable. But, the politicians and state administrators were still calm. They were more anxious about their own positions.

All of this conditions happened because of they took the wrong path since the beginning. First, they put aside and sometimes negated Jusuf Kalla as vice president. It's written in the wind. 

With all Kalla's shortcomings and weaknesses, he still has power and advantages. One of Jokowi-Kalla's winning factor in the last election was Kalla's present. At that time, there were negative sentiment to Jokowi. To deal with that, Jokowi was appointed to lead salat in Muhammadiyah. He also went umrah in quiet week.

In the last round presidential election debate, he also put A Syafii Maarif at the front row. Anies Baswedan also being popularized before Andi Widjajanto. But, Kalla was still permanent. Kalla's factor has become important to Jokowi-Kalla's. They were winning slightly over the Prabowo-Hatta. Therefore, putting aside Kalla's factor in the reign duet would be a disclaimer of constituents's vote. Beside that, Kalla has longer experience in governance and better understanding in economics. 

Second, Wantimpres--Presidential Advisory Council--member's election looked more like a quota given to the proponents. This institution was seem to be trivial because they worked behind the scene. But, Wantimpres become really important in crisis. Beside that, this institution was hoped to be the wise prompter for the president.

Therefore, Wantimpres must contain wise people, senior, representing all parties in the society, and his seniority is respected. Wantimpres should be the most sterile institution from political power. The member should be persons who has already contented with theirself.

Third, in the end, the cabinet has become transactional and all about seat quota. The cabinet accomodated many parties and accomodated interests from the election's big sponsors.The shoutout of slim cabinet and non-transactional during campaign was a figment.

Fourth, BUMN director and commisioner's post were also tweedledum and tweedledee. BUMN professionals with great record could be dismissed just like that. Meritocracy was not the main measure. 

Fifth, law enforcement agencies, govenment administrative authorities, and social media parties were deployed to mutated the critical and silenced the opponent. Indeed, there were no individual or institution who has no weakness. But, if that weakness was exploited only to shut them off, in the end they will be silent.

Critical voice, as harsh as anything, with any kind of goal, could be beneficial and sanify. Now, there was no pure critisism in the parliament nor accountable institutions. What's left was a hit and run critisism which is meaningless. All of these factors made government lost it's whip reminder.

Those combinations made Jokowi only had no other buttons at his table than the one for securing his power. At his computer, Jokowi only had software that can run "like" giving apps, instead of more up to date emoticon.

We surely has to said no to the idea of an impeachment. That was unhealthy habbit. We should love the government, who ever he/she is. A healthy love came with the feeling of jelouse and mad, not the kind of love that made us surrender and lost.

Like it or not, we were a bit heading into the wrong direction. In certain stage, we were at the lock and lock situation. We locked each other. Fixing economic condition was pretty easy, but it would easily wrecked the political atmosphere around it and many would be brokenhearted.

But we should never lose hope. There's still time to fix ourselves. Of course, it will took modesty and greatness of soul.

The real goal of politics and power were not to conquer and eliminate opponenet and political rivals, but for the welfare of the people, to bring justice, and to promote the country. Politics were not about getting seat, but about mandate and responsibility.

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