Sabtu 25 Jan 2014 21:11 WIB

Role of media in conflict resolution (2)

parni hadi di Taman Mini
Foto: Dok/pri
parni hadi di Taman Mini



Seeking for solutions for establishing peace by making a change for better and more favourable conditions is “ibadah”, serving Allah, God the Almighty. In the Islamic world it can be done by da’wa or propagating noble values and appeals for Taqwa, complete obedience to Allah,  by means of doing goodness and avoiding   wrongdoings (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar) based on Holy Quran and Hadits. Da’wa is an act of mass communications, in which journalism and mass media play a significant role.

The technology used and the level of prevailing democracy shown by the freedom of the press, affect the quantity, quality and impacts of the da’wa. It is already proven that in the modern era, da’wa through mass media is the most effective one.

“Old” established professional and authoritative preachers as da’wa key players are now challenged by new emerging non certified preachers who broadcast their messages through “new” media.

It is true that da’wa in the presence of multi-players of communications is facing ever growing challenges of balancing Modernity due to technology and democracy and Morality based on Al Quran and Hadits.

To answer those challenges, I suggest that “old” established, professional and authoritative preachers should develop themselves to become new content providers who publish and broadcast their messages through “new” media too. Then, the council of ulemas (Moslem scholars) should embrace the self-styled new, non certified preachers to join hand in hand with the professional ones.

In the use of media, “old” and “new”, I propose those content providers to actuate “Prophetic Journalism”. All journalists, regardless their religions, racial, social and cultural  backgrounds and nationalities are carrying out the duties of the prophets. The Holy Quran says: all prophets have no other obligations, but carrying  good news and reminders of their followers  to do good things and avoid evil doings (amar makruf and nahi munkar)..

For Moslem journalists and content providers, there is already perfect guidelines, namely the four excellent characters of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him):

a. Sidiq (revealing Truth),

b. Tabligh (disseminating Truth in an educational way)

c. Amanah (reliable, trustworthy and accountable)

d. Fathonah (with wisdom or wisely).

Prophet Mohammad in his da’wa combined His Words and Deeds. He did what He said. It must be admitted that many leaders, preachers and media professionals in the Muslim World have not yet implemented what Prophet Mohammad had said and done. Too many words, less action or even worse: their actions are contradictory to what they say.

Critics say that many leaders, preachers and teachers can give examples, but they are not yet able to transform themselves to be examples. Corruption which is rampant in some Muslim countries is a vivid example.

Actuating Prophetic Journalism by means of practicing the four excellent characters of Prophet Mohammad for Islamic journalists and content providers is urgent now. The basic fundamental of Prophetic Journalism is Love, emanating from Allah, the Supreme LOVE Himself. Thus, prophetic journalists and content providers would show dignity, devotion, tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect, non violence and tender loving care in their reports, features and commentaries.

The four characters of Prophet Mohammad due to their universal noble values have been incorporated in the Code of Conducts of Journalists everywhere, including Islamic, other religion-based and secular content providers.

The practice of journalism worldwide indicates that most men and women working in the media are motivated by “a call from within”, a spirit to serve a cause higher than the commercial goals of their news organizations or any other worldly rewards. Peace journalism is part of or in line with prophetic journalism.

Prophetic Journalism would give optimal results if the following conditions prevail:

a. Freedom of expression, no oppression by whosoever, government and religious authorities as well as the media owners. Freedom prevails only in a democratic society. Freedom will result in the presence of:

b. Independence (Objectivity), a condition to reveal:

c. Truth. It is truth that everyone would like to see. But it is not just for the sake of truth, it must be dedicated to:

d. Justice/Fairness. Truth must be the basis for social justice. It is social justice that will produce:

e. Prosperity, economic and social well beings, which in turn will yield:

f. Peace. It is peace of mind that everyone is seeking for. But, it must be not just a personal, local, national peace, it must be dedicated to:

g. Global peace where Humanity based on universal noble values could flourish, getting along with Islamic principles, which are “rahmatan lil alamin” (Blessing for all creatures).


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