Selasa 25 Oct 2016 12:06 WIB

Terrorism, The Phenomenon in Globalization Era

Red: Agung Vazza
 Pengendara sepeda motor melaju di bawah spanduk berisi penolakan terhadap teroris di Desa Pegirikan, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (19/1).
Foto: Antara/Oky Lukmansyah
Pengendara sepeda motor melaju di bawah spanduk berisi penolakan terhadap teroris di Desa Pegirikan, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (19/1).

By : Erlangga Pratama *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Nowadays, terrorism is an usually related with a right radical groups to be one of viral topic discussion by students, politician and an expert. The fastest progress of mass media and globalization stream are open space for a radical groups to continue launching their terror action to the people. In Indonesia, terrorism threat is an urgent thing to be government attention. Looking at the heterogeneous of Indonesian people, if a terror action has been happened in Indonesia, its to be boomerang for the majority especially for Muslim community in Indonesia. Facts, a terrorism action in Indonesia was conducted by a small group who has an artificial religious thought, so its drag one of religion would be victimized.

In a general terms, the definition of terror is one or more perpetrators who done a terror action, whilst the definition of terrorism is a paradigm which followed one or more perpetrators to launch a terror action. 

If we’re looking back for a moment, according to the history of terrorism progress in the world is a means or weapon for a weakend group to insisting a strong groups such as Red Army group in Japan, Palestine in Israel occupied territory, NPA insurgent in Philipines and Macan Tamil in Srilanka. From a terror groups which have a huge network, they have access to a global terror groups which have a biggest fund sources such as AI-Qaeda and Islamic State. Those organization have an operational infrastructure and a support infrastructure.