Selasa 25 Oct 2016 12:06 WIB

Terrorism, The Phenomenon in Globalization Era

 Pengendara sepeda motor melaju di bawah spanduk berisi penolakan terhadap teroris di Desa Pegirikan, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (19/1).
Foto: Antara/Oky Lukmansyah
Pengendara sepeda motor melaju di bawah spanduk berisi penolakan terhadap teroris di Desa Pegirikan, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (19/1).

By : Erlangga Pratama *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Nowadays, terrorism is an usually related with a right radical groups to be one of viral topic discussion by students, politician and an expert. The fastest progress of mass media and globalization stream are open space for a radical groups to continue launching their terror action to the people. In Indonesia, terrorism threat is an urgent thing to be government attention. Looking at the heterogeneous of Indonesian people, if a terror action has been happened in Indonesia, its to be boomerang for the majority especially for Muslim community in Indonesia. Facts, a terrorism action in Indonesia was conducted by a small group who has an artificial religious thought, so its drag one of religion would be victimized.

In a general terms, the definition of terror is one or more perpetrators who done a terror action, whilst the definition of terrorism is a paradigm which followed one or more perpetrators to launch a terror action. 

If we’re looking back for a moment, according to the history of terrorism progress in the world is a means or weapon for a weakend group to insisting a strong groups such as Red Army group in Japan, Palestine in Israel occupied territory, NPA insurgent in Philipines and Macan Tamil in Srilanka. From a terror groups which have a huge network, they have access to a global terror groups which have a biggest fund sources such as AI-Qaeda and Islamic State. Those organization have an operational infrastructure and a support infrastructure.

ISIS propaganda strategy even perform acts of persecution and cruel execution, as well as published virally through various media networks. Based on Global Affairs Foreign Terrorist Fighter and BNPT data, Indonesia is one of countries which to be ISIS members supplier and until May 2016 is recorded approxiamately 500 person. Meanwhile, the countries which their citizens to be ISIS members such as Tunisia (6.000 person), Saudi Arabia (2.275), Yordania (2.000), Russia (1.700), France (1.550), Turkey (1.400), and Marocco (1.200). 

The roots of a terror acts are a reflection from religious ideological extremism. The terrorist’s motive is based on religious radical attitude is building exclusive community as a modal and groups identity, its like a devils world which must be crushed. Their believe that themselves is a true groups and close to the God. Fighting againts an infidel groups is an obligation, and death is a way through heaven. Indonesia as one of a biggest Muslim country in the world has a various terror groups, its that mean Indonesia has a huge potential a terror group next decade.

Triballism nationality which going through a separatism. These group has done their terror acts to achieve political freedom. Its was triggered to get a huge authonomy. Besides, they have unappropriate feel by central government, economic and social gaps. Generally, their main target are government office and government (military and police) officers. 

An interest groups which will make riots, tends to launch their terror acts to achieve their goals at politic sector, economic and social and its has been used to protect their interest as a bargaining tools to get their goals at politics, economic and social. The progress of cyber technology has proven as one urgent factor to make coordination between terror groups. They have been using a recent technology to collect fund and to recruit a new members which a relatively difficult to tracking it. 

Our national tenet, Pancasila is an urgent tools to maintain and to protect the wholeness of Indonesia, especially facing radicalism and terrorism threats. According to our founding’s father done, a foreign values which taken shouldn’t be contradicted with an objective condition from our locally values. Youth generations also should be taken Indonesia’s cultural position such as local believes and religious which have contribution to build Indonesia.

*) The writer is an Indonesia strategic issues observer. Residing in East Jakarta.



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