Jumat 04 Nov 2016 00:00 WIB

Amazing rally and the elegance of Indonesian Muslims

On Friday (11/4), Muslims will hold a major demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. This rally was the second after last October demonstration (10/28).
Foto: dok. Istimewa
On Friday (11/4), Muslims will hold a major demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. This rally was the second after last October demonstration (10/28).

By: Muhammad Pizaro

The author is a member at Islamic Journalist United (JITU)

Hundreds of thousands people in Indonesia will carry out an outcry today in Jakarta, due to the Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s (Ahok) religious defamation. By calling the rally as “action to defend Alqur’an”, people will urge the process of law should follow in the alleged case of blasphemy by Ahok.

In part of his speech, Ahok said, “In your inner hearts, Bapak/Ibu may not vote for me, because [you have been] lied to by [using] surah Al Maidah, verse 51, etc. […] So, if you cannot vote for me because you are afraid of being condemned to hell you do not need to feel uneasy as you are being fooled. It is alright.”

The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) said Ahok has committed blasphemy citing an Al Maidah verse 51. Ahok told people in the Seribu Islands not to be deceived by people who use the verse to ask them not to elect a non-Muslim leader in the forthcoming election.

MUI chairman Ma'ruf Amin pointed out in a statement that Ahok has insulted the Quran and the ulamas, and that police should investigate the case. The Ahok’s religious blasphemy case illustrates that we still face a pressing matter in the neighborhood of the religious tolerance in Indonesia.

Actually, the opposition march toward Ahok is the culmination point as a result of Ahok’s intolerance regulations. For instance, we know Jakarta as a capital city of Indonesia has an origin tribe namely Betawi who respect Islamic tradition. Yet, the governor has banned the local wisdom such as takbir keliling (a traditional parade where Muslims shout praises to Allah on the eve of Idul Fitri).

Besides, the ruler also prohibited the zikr together which is carried out by the Majelis Rasulullah group at Monas (the National Monument). On the other hand, Ahok allowed the easter day for Christian society. The regulation was viewed as an unfair policy in the midst of  diversity in Indonesia.

To my way of thinking, accusing the Quran's Al Maidah's 51 verse as an untruth has defiled the religious tolerance and it can be categorized as blasphemy which is regulated by Law No. 1/PNPS/1965. However, the matter which should be appreciated is how friendly Muslims are. Previously, tens of thousands of Muslim had conducted a massive demonstration in Jakarta on Friday (10/16) which had caught the attention not only the Indonesian, but also the international. Even some media in Turkey reported protest news as the headline. How not, the demonstration was considered as an amazing rally. Muslims staged similar protests in Surabaya, East Java, and Bandung, West Java.

You can imagine, there were tens of thousands of people who are angry because Alqur’an has been insulted by the Governor. But instead of doing anarchism, they were able to express their aspiration elegantly. A number of demonstrators was able to carry out acts of peace. It is far from being which had been accused western media and secular groups that Muslims have the face of arrogance and hardline.

Indonesian Muslims are “the real teacher” in educating what the real democracy is. They are able to bring the demand peacefully. They take legal action by utilizing the law approach to bring the case to justice while the state officials stride the law by protecting a number of colleagues who has involved a scandal.

Hence, it is no strange on occasion Jaya Suprana, the famous Tiong Hoa descent figures in Indonesia, said that he personally was not able to hold back tears when he saw how thousands of Muslims dressed in white spread out on the street so that they can simultaneously conduct the prayer as their reverence for God, The Most Merciful.

On Friday (4/11), Islamic society will conduct the second rally in Jakarta. As reported, Islamic mass is coming from all of regions in Indonesia to Jakarta to defend the Quran. They are coming from Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara. To keep cleanness, the committee of demonstration has prepared a special troop to ensure city parks are not damaged. Interestingly, they also help each other by providing free meals, free accommodation, and free transportation. The rich helps the poor. This is the face of hospitality of Indonesian Muslim.

Bachtiar Nasir and Habib Riziq Sihab, two of leaders in the rally, have promised a peace rally, a demonstration without chaos. A number of nationalist figures will also join the rally, among others namely Rachmawati Soekarnoputri (Soekarno’s daughter), Ahmad Dhani (Musician), Ratna Sarumpaet, (Human Right activist), including a couple of Tiong Hoa activists, academicians, labours, students, teachers: what an action of muslim defending their belief.

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