Jumat 10 Feb 2017 22:02 WIB

Supporting Rally without Long March

Puluhan ribu massa Aksi Bela Islam III khusyu menunaikan ibadah shalat subuh berjamaah di Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta, Jumat (2/12).
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Puluhan ribu massa Aksi Bela Islam III khusyu menunaikan ibadah shalat subuh berjamaah di Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta, Jumat (2/12).

By : Toni Ervianto *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Chairman of the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) ustaz Bachtiar Nasir said the 112 rally would be held without having a long march as previously planned. He reiterated if there was a long march, then it did not organized by GNPF. "We would not be responsible for it," he said after a meeting with Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law, and Security Affairs Wiranto at the minister house on Thursday.

Ustaz Bachtiar said GNPF will have a congregational dawn prayer (Shubuh) continued with Tausiah Nasional (national sermon filled with advices). He assured that GNPF will cooperate with the authority to maintain public order. "We would not let any activities that could disrupt public order nor created provocation," he said.

The advisor of GNPF and the leader of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab said the action on Saturday, February 11, will took place at the Istiqlal Mosque. He cancelled the plan to have a healthy walk with the society from National Monument to the HI roundabout, Central Jakarta. "At the same day, there were two Jakarta gubernatorial election candidates who will hold their last campaign and they might bring large number of mass. We don't want to be trapped in their campaign, therefore we decided to stay at Istiqlal Mosque and promised not to violates any law in the mosque," he asserted. 

Meanwhile, Wiranto dismissed the notion saying that 112 rally would create an uproar and scary. "Together, we dismissed the issues. People could walk through the day in a peaceful and orderly condition," he said.

Meanwhile, an observer on Police, Bambang Widodo Umar, responded to the statement of Metro Jaya Police related to the plan of 112 rally. He said the police should not ban the rally because it had an official notification.  "It seemed that there was a political tendency which was contrary to the activity of GNPF MUI. Later, shubuh prayer would be banned," said Bambang to Republika.co.id on Wednesday.

Bambang said he wanted to remind the police to be back to its identity as public protector. He hoped the police did not indiscriminate the treatment towards certain parties. 

Jakarta Metro Police ban the rally with a reason to keep order and conducive situation before the election. The police would take firm action if the demonstration was held.  Bambang argued it was a sign of their suspicion to the plan of rally would create insecurity. “The duty of the police was keeping the security, not to keep what was safe," said Bambang. 

As information, GNPF MUI planned to hold 112 rally on Saturday (Feb 11). They will gathered at Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta and then continue to have a walk to Monas. From there, they will walk to HI roundabout and walk back to Monas. The rally aimed at demanding law enforcement of the defendant of blasphemy Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok and to support MUI.  

After that, the Jakarta police said they would not allow a rally planned by Muslim groups on Feb 11 on the streets of Jakarta, citing security concerns ahead of the Feb 15 gubernatorial elections. A spokesman of the Jakarta Police Senior Commissioner Argo Yuwono said that the rally was banned on grounds that it could disturb public order.


I think the decision of Chairman of the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) ustaz Bachtiar Nasir said the 112 rally would be held without having a long march as previously planned must be supported because it was a right and brilliant decision.

The decision must have predicted because GNPF-MUI was realized that on the same day 11 February 2017, other candidates like Ahok-Djarot and their supporters would be held “ a cheap market” for the people of Jakarta. These event must be attended a lot of mass and if GNPF-MUI were still to planned their action, there would be had a potential mass brawl.

I think the National Police had been had a comprehensive analysist before they were suggested GNPF-MUI and supporters to make a peace activities such as a religious activities at Istiqlal Mosque. The police have thorough consideration before they banned the mass rally planned to be held ahead of the Jakarta gubernatorial election's cooling-off period.

At least, from GNPF-MUI’s chairman to ban their a peace mass rallies from National Monument to the HI roundabout, Central Jakarta is a strategic and a brilliant decision. There are some of reasons. First, this decision will be shown that Muslim society in Indonesia are a loyal dan devoted communities to their government’s and their ulema’s decision.

Secondly, this decision must have taken by GNPF-MUI’s chairman because obviously we has been showing about a general framming scenario which condem a Muslim action as an intolerant spirit or breaking the values of our national tenet. Through the ban of a peace rallies plan from Monas to the HI roundabout we will look how the deepest of obey spirit of a Muslim communities to their national country tenet.

Thirdly, this decision has been shown about an Indonesian muslim society would be rejected to be an object of politicization from Jakarta’s gubernatorial election which held on February 15th, 2017. Previously, we could be learnt from a various information in social media which drew about a Muslim societies especially NU societies would be as an object of politicization from several an interest and pressure groups.

Fourth, this decision would be shown that an every action of an Indonesian Muslim society movement is always to follow the legal corridors. These condition is reflected the maturity of an Indonesian muslim societies movement. It has been as highly contribution from an Indonesian muslim societies to maintain Indonesia’s democracy progress. It should be manifestated of how a Muslim teaching doesn’t different with a democracy rules and values. Hopefully.

*) The writer had earned his master degree at the University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta.

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