Selasa 16 Jul 2013 01:13 WIB

Police still investigate the shooting of two foreigners in West Jakarta

Rep: Wahyu Syahputra/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Police line. Ilustrasi
Foto: .
Police line. Ilustrasi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -  Fadil Iman said there were seven men involving in shooting of two foreign citizens at in Mediterania Apartment. Police is still researching CCTV as proof beside projectiles, shells, two mobile phones and print out the parking. Police will reconstruct the incident soon as the examination of evidences on the scene.

"They have been caught on CCTV in the apartment. We suspectrd that the seven murderers were Indonesian citizens, as it's seen from their posture of body," Iman said on Sunday.

Two foreigners were shoot by unknown persons on 15th floor of Mediterania Apartment, West Jakarta. Muhammad, from Sierra Leone suffered a gunshot wound in the right arm, while Adelusi Oludare, from Nigeria suffered shot wounds in the arm and leg.

Provisional predicted the victims has a business problem. Police have checked at least 18 witnesses including of security guards, parking attendants, apartment agent, the victim's boyfriend and a friend of the victim's boyfriend. 


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