Kamis 09 Apr 2015 18:25 WIB

16 ambassadors to attend Magelang Anniversary Festival

Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG -- At least 16 ambassadors of countries friendly to Indonesia will attend "Gerebeg Getuk," the final ceremony of the 1,109th anniversary celebration of Magelang City, Central Java province, next Sunday.

"The ambassadors have confirmed their participation in the event. While some of them will send their ambassadors, the others will send vice-ambassadors, delegations, and diplomats. They will join this year's Gerebeg Getuk," Chief of the Youth, Sport, Culture, and Tourism Office of Magelang City Hartoko said here on Thursday.

According to Hartoko, some of the countries that have confirmed to send their representatives are Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Germany, England, the US, Libya, India, China, and Cuba.

Based on the Mantyasih inscription, Magelang will celebrate the city's anniversary on April 11. The Magelang administration started the event years ago by holding a "Gerebeg Getuk" procession in Magelang City Square. "Getuk" is a sweet meal made from cassava, and some Magelang people will scramble for a "getuk" pile.

The celebrations will start with a cultural carnival, which will pass by several roads in Magelang, led by Mayor of Magelang Sigit Widyonindito and the members of many local institutions.

They will be on golden chariots guarded by hundreds of Javanese soldiers.

The vice-governor of Central Java will lead the opening ceremony at Magelang City Square.

The committee will bring two "getuk" piles comprising 10 thousand "getuk" from Kauman Mosque to Magelang City Square.

According to Hartoko, the ambassadors' visit will contribute to the development of Magelang's tourism sector.

"One of the primary sectors of Magelang is tourism development. We have built several tourism facilities that will not be useful if the international community fail to recognize them," Hartoko remarked.

Hartoko added the "Gerebeg Getuk" is an appropriate event to promote Magelang tourism among foreigners.

Some of the ambassadors are expected to visit several tourism spots, including Borobudur Temple in Magelang district, and taste some specific culinary of the region.

The Magelang administration has coordinated with the Indonesian Police to secure the ambassadors' visit to the city.

sumber : Antara
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