Kamis 17 Dec 2015 17:55 WIB

Not only in Hong Kong, Wax Museum also present in Jakarta

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Hazliansyah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Wax Museum was one of favorite destinations for tourists. In the museum, visitors could see wax statues of world figures that were formed very similar to the original figures.

To enjoy the Wax Museum, we have come to neighboring countries, such as Hong Kong and Thailand. However, Wax Museum has been present in Indonesia for the first time, namely Alive Star Ancol.

Located in Ancol Beach City Mall, the museum presents at least 55 wax statuses of world celebrities and figures.

"We really want to get closer to the community. With this opportunity, we no longer need to go abroad," said Operational Manager of Alive Star Ancol, Putri Pallupi, Wednesday (16/12), in Jakarta.