Kamis 09 Jun 2016 20:05 WIB

North Lombok set to be world class tourist destination

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Mataram -- The North Lombok Administration, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), has confirmed doing various improvements in the tourism sector to realize as world tourist destination.

"God willing (Insya Allah), on July 21, 2016, we will inaugurate the 'tagline' North Lombok as a world tourist destination in the anniversary of North Lombok," said Regent of North Lombok, H Najmul Ahyar, in Mataram on Thursday.

He said, North Lombok administration now focusing to serve the tourism sector, such as the waste management in Gili Trawangan. North Lombok administration has provided regional budget (APBD) amount of Rp 1,28 billion for waste management and installation of lights in Gili Trawangan. North Lombok regency government is also preparing land area of 500 square meters for the waste treatment in Gili Trawangan. Other efforts to realize world tourist destination in North Lombok, Najmul continued, is to improve the quality of security in societies and improvement of infrastructure, especially roads around tourist destinations.

"Infrastructure becomes important thing in order to realize a world tourist destination," he said.

North Lombok administration planned to enforcement efforts on buildings that violate roi coast, especially in the Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. The enforcement efforts are intended to keep the three Gili regions in order to stay beautiful and comfortable, so it continues to be visited by tourists. The building that will be demolished such as cafes and semi permanent building that violate the rules.

"The beach is public area, so must be regulated," said Najmul.

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