Sabtu 11 Mar 2023 13:26 WIB

Entrepreneur Appreciate RichWorks for Helping Increase Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty

The world economy is currently facing a situation of uncertainty and instability.

Red: Fernan Rahadi
A culinary entrepreneur, Iwan Fabian, who is also the winner of the Rising Star award in the Inner Circle Meeting (ICM) in Jakarta, March 6-10 2023.
Foto: document
A culinary entrepreneur, Iwan Fabian, who is also the winner of the Rising Star award in the Inner Circle Meeting (ICM) in Jakarta, March 6-10 2023.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A culinary entrepreneur, Iwan Fabian, said that in the midst of an uncertain situation, RichWorks came to help entrepreneurs increase optimism.

"The world economy is currently facing a situation of uncertainty and instability. We must have optimism in facing an increasingly tight industrial world," he said in a statement, Saturday (11/3/2023).

"Therefore, we must hone existing human resources to improve our economy going forward and to encourage generations of entrepreneurs who can take advantage of opportunities," said the owner of the Makciak Restaurant.

Iwan added, RichWorks is trying to help the unemployment problem faced by Indonesia. "Therefore, businesses that are developed must be able to create an opportunity to achieve change," he said.