Jumat 15 Dec 2023 20:02 WIB

Baznas Arranges Zakat Goes to Campus Programme

Experts call amil profession not thinking about one's own well-being

talkshow Zakat goes to Campus chapter East Java at Airlangga University, Wednesday-Thursday (13-14/12/2023).
Foto: FOZ
talkshow Zakat goes to Campus chapter East Java at Airlangga University, Wednesday-Thursday (13-14/12/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Lecturer, Department of Sharia Economics, Prof. Tika Widiastutiae. Calling Amil's profession is one of the professions that need to be taken into account.

“Amil's profession is cool and promising, which in the process does not think about one's own well-being but beyond it,” he said in the talk show Zakat goes to Campus chapter of East Java at Airlangga University, Wednesday-Thursday (13 -- 14/12/2023).

Baca Juga

Tika hopes that the students have good literacy regarding the process of zakat management and its impact on society and the country. “Through this agenda, students need to see the action plan of the zakat institution program in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs. As for example, by transforming the mustahik into a muzakki only, we have achieved 2 goals, namely no poverty and zero hunger,” he explained.

“In the context of achieving the SDGs, the SDGs are very inline with the essence of zakat. zakat is an Islamic fiscal instrument that certainly not only helps the council to distribute its zakat in the short term but is sustainable and has an impact on the mustahik,” he continued.

Senada, Director of the National Zakat Forum, Rama Hendarta Adam said the zakat movement needs innovative professionals given the increasing challenges in zakat management. “The zakat program must have a measurable impact on the mustahik, and this must certainly be managed by a competent and innovative management team, operations also need to be done by someone who understands good organizational management, including accounting and others,” he said.

Every year, he added, zakat institutions must conduct financial audits and sharia compliance audits and are required to audit financial statements by the Public Accountant Office (KAP). “To encourage good governance, Forum Zakat also hopes to have ideas through research and scientific journals from academics and students as input,” he added.

Meanwhile, Jawa Pos Editor-in-Chief Ibn Yunianto said the media highlighted various crime phenomena underpinned by the economy in the hope of encouraging concrete alleviation of the problem. “There's a lot of information we've received, and a lot of what we're reporting to be of concern. We are aware that there is a weakening of the safety net in families and communities, but it must still be reinforced with a sense that is built because of the attachment of faith while upholding sharia zakat,” he said.

Furthermore, Ibn said, the media noted the important role of zakat institutions especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. “In the media, we have a community of journalists who are ready to educate the public about zakat and Islamic economics in general. We are ready to be involved more deeply so that what the zakat institution does is a common concern,” he said.

On the same occasion, the Central Bureau of the Provincial Government of East Java, Imam Hidayat said it was an honor for East Java for organizing the series Zakat goes To Campus at Unair Campus. “The Provincial Government of East Java is very concerned about the zakat movement, in East Java there are instructions from the Governor regarding development programs, outreach, and distribution of zakat through BAZNAS. And this is a strategy in alleviating poverty in East Java. We need a multisectoral role to maximize the potential of zakat in Indonesia, including from academic circles,” he said.

Zakat goes to Campus is a two-day festive event, which is colored with Scholarship Seminar & Expo, opened by Remo Dance which is a traditional dance of East Java, as well as presenting the Rector of Airlangga University - Prof. Mohammad Nasih, Chairman of Innovation Forum Zakat — Citra Widuri, Vice Chairman of the Parliament of East Java - Oleh H Anwar Sadad, President of BEM Universitas Airlangga - Mohammad Anang Jazuli, Policy Analyst Expert on Islamic Religious Affairs Enag East Java H Supriyadi, MM, Plt. Chairman of BAZNAS East Java Province - Prof. KH Ali Maschan Moesa, Chairman of Zakat Forum - Kholaf Hibatulloh, and hundreds of students as participants.

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