Rabu 20 Dec 2023 15:59 WIB

Devil's Deception in Thaharah Affairs

Satan performs deceit including thaharah.

Rep: Republika/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
The Devil's Deception in Thaharah Matters (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
The Devil's Deception in Thaharah Matters (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The devil's deceit has various ways to include Worshippers in their worship, both during ablutions and thaharah (sanctifying from hadas and unclean).

Excerpted from Ibn Jauzi's book Talbis Iblis, one of satan's deceptions in this regard was his pretend regarding the clothes they wore when praying. You will find one of them washing his holy clothes many times. In fact, when his clothes were touched, even a Muslim washed it.

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Some wash his clothes in the Tigris River because it considers it illegitimate if he is washed at home. Some put their personal clothes in the well, as the Jews did.

The Companions have never done any of that. Instead, they prayed wearing Persian clothes when they conquered the land. They also used the tools and clothes of the Persians.

Among them there were those who contracted waswas disease, so they washed all parts of their clothes just because they were exposed to a drop of water. In fact, the excessive actions could cause him to be late in the prayer of the congregation.

Some people left the prayer because of the rain, because they were worried about their clothes.

Another of Satan's statements against them is in the matter of prayer intentions. Some of them recited the intention by saying, “I will perform this prayer,” and he repeated it because he thought the intention was void. Intentions cannot be nullified, even if they are not accompanied by words.

There are others who take pride and then cancel it, then take it again and cancel it again, then if the priest has given birth only then the person affected by this morbid disease will take it back and follow the priest.

There are those who have contracted other morbid diseases who swear in their hearts in the name of Allah: “No, I have taken refuge earlier. “And among them there were those who swore in the heart in the name of Allah to give up their possessions or to drop tallow. This is all the devil's talbis.

Islamic sharia is a very tolerant sharia, full of ease, and free from all diseases. None of this was done by the Messenger of Allah (prophet Muhammad) nor his companions.

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