Jumat 12 Jan 2024 13:45 WIB

BRI Holds 'Nugraha Karya Desa BRiliaN 2023' Encouraging Economy

BRI provides funding assistance of up to Rp 1 billion for the winning Village of the General Champion.

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk again gives appreciation to the villages that are considered to be actively moving forward to promote the population economy through the BRiliN Villages program. As a tangible manifestation of this commitment, BRI held Nugraha Karya Desa BRiLian 2023, Wednesday (10/1/2024), in Menara BRiliN, Jakarta.
Foto: Dok. BRI
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk again gives appreciation to the villages that are considered to be actively moving forward to promote the population economy through the BRiliN Villages program. As a tangible manifestation of this commitment, BRI held Nugraha Karya Desa BRiLian 2023, Wednesday (10/1/2024), in Menara BRiliN, Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk again gives appreciation to the villages that are considered to be actively moving forward to promote the society's economy through the BRiliaN Village program. As a tangible manifestation of this commitment, BRI held 'Nugraha Karya Desa BRiLian 2023' on Wednesday (10/1/2024), in Menara BRiliaN, Jakarta.

This event is the culmination of the BRiliaN Village 2023 program as well as the closing of a series of activities that have taken place on January 9-10, 2024.

Baca Juga

Nugraha Karya Village BRiliaN is an annual event organized by BRI as a series of BRiLian Village programs that focus on the development of four aspects. First, BumDesa as the economic motor of the village.

Secondly, digitalization in the implementation of products and activities in the village. Third, sustainability is the resilience and continuity of village building. Fourth, innovation to encourage the village to be creative.

BRI President Director Sunarso revealed that BRiLian Village is a village empowerment program aimed at producing a role model in village development initiated by BRI as a form of agent of development in developing villages. By the end of 2023, 3,178 villages have received the BRiliN Village empowerment.

“This program started in 2020, which is not separate from the company's strategy to get to know the potential of the region more deeply and is one part of the integration of the empowerment activity and existence of BRI mantri along with other initiatives, namely BRI Building Business Cluster, pasar.id, and Hyperlocal Ecosystem, which is a form of Micro-Consolidated Ecosystem,” he said, in a written statement, Thursday (11/1/2024).

Sunarso added that in running its business BRI will continue to create value. Both in terms of creating economic value and social value as a whole to improve the well-being of society through various empowerment and mentoring programs.

Sunarso affirms that the BRiliaN Village program is an example and a unique role function. Where in one program, two goals are met, namely to grow economic value, as well as social value.

“This BRiliaN Village Program is a clear example of BRI's commitment as a state-owned enterprise to implement economic value and social value simultaneously, so there is no need to argue that with BRI's ability to navigate challenges well, the company's goals can be achieved well,” Sunarso explained.

Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki appreciated BRI which has committed to provide continuous empowerment to villages throughout Indonesia, one of them through the BRiliN Village program.

“This program is a breakthrough encouraging villages across Indonesia to be able to develop the potential of Villages, increase capabilities both in the form of soft skills and hardskills improvement through continuous empowerment activities that can support economic growth in the Village,” Teten said.

On the other hand, Wamen BUMN Kartika revealed that the Ministry of SOE continues to promote the improvement of national economic growth through the empowerment of the SME segment, which is noted to have contributed to GDP of 60.5 percent and labor absorption of 96.9 percent of the total national labor absorption.

“To achieve this, MSMEs need to be equipped with business literacy, so that they can optimize every opportunity that exists; equipped with digital literacy, so that business processes can be adapted to the development of current technologies, and encouraged to innovate so that they can continue to create added value and survive in the midst of business competition,” Kartika said.

“The BRiliN Village Program needs to continue to promote national economic growth and affirm the role of state-owned enterprises, as value creators in providing benefits to the community,” he added.

This is the third time the Nugraha Karya Desa BRiliN program has been implemented since the first in 2021, with the agenda including 'BriliN Village Bincang', an interactive discussion that discusses BRiliN Villages in optimizing the power of the potential, innovation to drive the wheels of the Village economy through strong leadership, the spirit of Village Transformation through Innovation and Digitalization Synergy, followed by the 'Nugraha Karya BriliN Village'.

To be known, the National Champion of BRiLian Village will get the help of infrastructure means for village development from BRI. The details are, the 1st winner gets a prize worth Rp 1 billion, the 2nd runner-up Rp 750 million, and the 3rd runner-up Rp 500 million.

As for the champions of the 1st and 2nd hopefuls each get a prize of Rp 300 million. Meanwhile, Green Village, Best Governance Village, Best Entrepreneurial Development, and Best Innovative Village and Digitalization each amounted to Rp 200 million.

Not only that, BRI also gives special awards to the West, Central, and Eastern Region Potential Villages. Each village will get an appreciation worth Rp 100 million.

In the series Nugraha Karya Desa BRiliN 2023, BRI also presented an event entitled Bincang Desa BRiliN.

Here is the complete list of winners of Nugraha Karya Desa BRiliN 2023:


Main Categories

1st place: Bansari Village, Temanggung, Central Java

2nd place: Cikaso Village, Kuningan, West Java

3rd place: Lerep Village, Semarang, Central Java

Champion of Hope I: Nagari Tanjung Haro Sikabu-kabu Padang Panjang, Lima Puluh Kota, West Sumatra

Champion of Hope II: Padang Panjang Village, Tabalong, South Kalimantan


SDG Special Award

Green Village: Kelawi Village, South Lampung, Bandar Lampung

Best Tatakelola: Angseri Village, Tabanan, Bali

Best Entrepreneurial Development: Sukomulyo Village, Gresik, East Java

Best Innovative and Digitalized Villages: Ibru Village, Muaro Jambi, Jambi


Potential Village Special Award

Potential Village of Western Region: Lengit Air Village, Natuna, Riau Islands

Central Region Potential Village: Wawowae Village, Ngada, East Nusa Tenggara

Potential Village of Eastern Region: Puubunga Village, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi

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