Sabtu 20 Jan 2024 16:19 WIB

Muhammadiyah Sets Beginning of Ramadan on Monday 11 March 2024

This decision was issued by the Assembly of Tarjieh and Tajdid PP of Muhammadiyah.

Rep: Imas Damayanti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PP Muhammdiyah decreed 1 Ramadan 1445 Hijri falls on Pahing Monday, March 11, 2024. This decree was issued by the Tarjih and Tajdid Assembly of Muhammadiyah.

“PP Muhammadiyah has decided based on hisab hakiki wujudil hilal agreed by the Tarjih and Tajdid Assembly, that the beginning of Ramadan this year falls on Monday 11 March 2024, Eid al-Fitr on Wednesday 10 April 2024, and Eid al-Adha on Monday 17 June 2024,” PP Muhammadiyah General Chairman Haedar Nashir said in a live stream of the determination of the beginning of Ramadan of PP Muhammadiyah on Saturday (20/1/20/2018) 2024).

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Thus, he mentioned, the decision can be followed for Muslims, especially residents of Muhammadiyah and brothers or Muslims who follow the method of hisab wujudil hilal. With the decree, Muslims could start Ramadan prayers by following the information that Muhammadiyah promulgated.

Haedar also explained the reason why the early determination of Ramadan 2024 was announced now. He said that Muhammadiyah does not intend to precede anyone when it comes to providing information on the establishment of the beginning of Ramadan. So this announced information is considered to be a common thing that happens every year as well as various organizations also do.

“So this knowledge of Muhammadiyah is normal because we use the method of hisab with the special method of hisab wujudil hilal,” Haedar said.

Haedar emphasized that affirmation as to why the information is being submitted at this time is to avoid debate and controversy. Because, he said, Muhammadiyah did not intend to precede or abandon certain circles in determining the beginning of Ramadan.

Nevertheless, he said that there may be differences in the beginning of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha in small groups in the country, but that all is expected to be used by Muslims as an event of tolerance. So Muslims have become accustomed to living with tolerance (tasamuh) and tanawu (living different ways in performing worship) included in initiating the early differences of Ramadan and Shawal.

“So this message actually reinforces our intention in worship. As long as there is a difference in methods, there will always be a difference in the beginning of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha. That's legitimate,” Haedar said.

On the other hand, he stressed that if there are similarities or differences in the determination of Ramadan, it is no less important for Muslims to say the season of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, or Eid al-Adha itself. That is, to bring about a better understanding of Islam.

“If different, there is no need to fuss, let alone blaspheme or blame each other, which will reduce the value of worship. We just live, live our worship to enrich our social relations, unite in diversity and, not least, to bring our people to progress,” Haedar said.

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