Senin 25 Mar 2024 10:50 WIB

Biomass is Essential in Energy Transition, PLN EPI Says

Local people can participate supplying biomass materials.

Petugas menyortir sampah plastik di area TPSA Bangendung, Kota Cilegon, Banten, untuk biomassa cofiring PLTU Suralaya, Selasa (11/10/2022).
Foto: ANTARA/Asep Fathulrahman
Petugas menyortir sampah plastik di area TPSA Bangendung, Kota Cilegon, Banten, untuk biomassa cofiring PLTU Suralaya, Selasa (11/10/2022).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs Republic of Indonesia (Kemenko Marves) strengthen biomasa ecosystem with PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia (PLN EPI).

President Director of PLN EPI Iwan Agung said, biomass utilization is a real commitment of PLN increasing renewable energy mix in Indonesia as target sets at 23 percent in 2025.

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"Biomass cofiring policy intensified in Indonesia to reduce carbin emission. It is a way to achieve the Nett Zero Emission target in 2060 on earlier," Iwan said, Sunday (Mar.24, 2024).

Biomass cofiring also vital to accelerates energy transition. Clean energy would cotributes 3.6 percent of 23 percent total renewable energy mix in 2025.

In other hand, biomass cofiring is cost efficient. It has the lowest Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) compared to another source of renewable energy. More over, local people would crucially having role in biomass materials supply.



sumber : ANTARA
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