Rabu 24 Apr 2024 22:10 WIB

Election Results Cannot Be Annulled After Constitutional Court Decision

Prabowo-Gibran's inauguration is scheduled for October 20, 2024.

Rep: Bayu Adji P/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Commissioner of Election Commission (KPU) RI, Idham Holik.
Foto: Antara/Narda Margaretha Sinambela
Commissioner of Election Commission (KPU) RI, Idham Holik.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Election Commission (KPU) is scheduled to hold an open plenary meeting to determine the presidential candidates (capres) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) elected on Wednesday (24/3/2024) today. The determination was made after the Constitutional Court (MK) issued a ruling related to the dispute over the 2024 presidential election.

Commission Commissioner Idham Holik said that, in the legal considerations read during the pronouncement of the Court's ruling, the conduct of the elections conducted by the Commission was called to have been in accordance with the constitution. The Commission is judged to have implemented the principles and principles of elections that are honest and fair.

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“The Commission has been judged by the Court Judges to have given certainty to citizens' political rights by implementing Court Decision No 90/PUU-XXI/2023 on the nomination period for President and Vice President in the 2024 Concurrent Elections,” he said on Tuesday (23/4/2024).

With the release of the Court's ruling, the stage of the 2024 presidential election stage only leaves two more stages, namely the determination of the chosen candidate pair and the inauguration of the chosen candidate pair. The implementation of the selection of the chosen candidate pairs has been scheduled for today at 10.00 pm.

After that, there remains one more stage that is still waiting for time, namely the inauguration of the president and the vice president-elect. The inauguration was scheduled for October 20, 2024.

“After the pronouncement of the Court's ruling on PHPU for the presidential election yesterday, now there are no more judicial institutions in the electoral justice system that can overturn the Decision of KPU No. 360 of 2024 on Determination of the Results of the 2024 Election Nationwide,” Idham said.

Previously, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) was known to have filed a lawsuit against the results of the 2024 presidential election (presidential election) to the State Administrative Court (PTUN) on Tuesday (2/4/2024). The lawsuit has been registered with PTUN under case number 133/G/2024/PTUN.JKT.

“I must affirm today's verdict hearing in PTUN chaired by the Chairman of PTUN Jakarta. The result of the delivered verdict is that our application deserves to be processed in the main proceedings because what we found out all this morning was this verdict,” said Gayus Lumbuun, Chairman of the PDIP Legal Team, Gayus Lumbuun at the DPP PDIP Office, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

He also urged the Commission to delay in advance the appointment of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka as elected vice president. Because, this will eliminate the legal process that takes place in PTUN.

“That's what we want so that there is no justice delay, so that justice is late if it is quickly established. Be patient, give the law a chance to determine whether the ruler who abused this power is worthy to decide or establish,” the former chief justice said.

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