Sabtu 18 May 2024 21:55 WIB

Government Urges Teachers to Improve Digital Literacy

Kemenkominfo invites digital literacy teachers through Digital Technology Adoption event.

Digital literacy (illustration).
Digital literacy (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOROWALI — In order to face the accelerating development of digital technology in the education world, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), Directorate General of Informatics Applications, Directorate of Digital Economy held an event with the theme “Adoption of Digital Technology in the Education Sector in Morowali Regency” on Tuesday (14/05/2024).

The event, held in Bahomohoni Village, Bungku Tengah, Morowali, took place for three days, from 14 to 16 May 2024 and was attended by teachers and educational personnel in Morowali District. There are two Digital Startups in Education (Edutech) that are exhibitors in this activity, namely Paideia Educational Solutions represented by Yoshua Sirait, Hezekiah Sasangka Jati, and Sasmita Wulandari and Kios Pintar (KIPIN) represented by Roni Sutrisno and Jeky Lidianto.

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Ir. Wijayanto, MM as the Chairman of the Management Team of the Work and Finance Program of the Directorate of Digital Economy, who had the opportunity to deliver his remarks at the event said that Kominfo got the mandate to accelerate the digital transformation process in strategic sectors, one of which is in the education sector.

“This is one of the pillars of digital transformation that is indeed our task at the Ministry of Cominfo. In addition, we also build various digital infrastructures so that mothers/mothers can connect with mobile phones, smartphones and so on,” Wijayanto explained.

According to Wijayanto, there are currently some sectors that are already advanced in the application of digital technology and there are some other sectors that have not. In his view, the education sector is currently classified as one of the sectors that tends to advance in this regard.

“There are three things we see why the education sector tends to be more advanced, the first being the greater number of initiatives or initiatives from governments related to digital technology in the education sector compared to other sectors. Second, digital literacy rates in the education sector tend to be higher. Then the third is the many digital drives and stages in the education sector,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Founder of Satriabudi Dharma Setia Foundation, Erlina VF Ratu, who also had the opportunity to give a speech, stated that it is very consistent in the field of education from the most basic to secondary levels, namely from PAUD to high school.

“We are trying to think about how to improve the quality of teachers. When we got the opportunity as a driving organization, we started from PAUD teachers to training Montessori methods that are in line with the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantoro which is also compatible with the Merdeka Curriculum. So that what we hope to improve education can actually be achieved,” he explained.

Erlina also stated that her party prioritizes more remote places, where very few teacher training interventions are implemented. This is expected to increase the competitiveness of Indonesians on the international scene by increasing the quality of teachers in serving their students.

In a final speech at the opening of the event presented by the Head of the Department of Education and Culture of Morowali Regency, Amir Aminudin, stated that it has been carrying out the process of digitizing the education sector for a long time even long before Covid 19 was rampant which made everything have to be done through digital media.

“Before Covid in about 2017 we had already established cooperation with PT. Ruangguru Indonesia for the digitization of education in Morowali. So that during Covid we had no difficulty dealing with it,” he said.

According to Amir, Covid-19 does not always have a bad impact because with Covid-19 the digital transformation in the education sector has become much faster. “Before Covid, our central themes were always towards learning 4.0. But in field implementations we rarely find such 4.0 learning. Maybe God is already irritated to see us so that he brought Covid so that the 4.0 learning will finally be applied” he concluded.

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