Jumat 24 May 2024 20:11 WIB

Imam Mahdi Ordinary Man or Special Being of Allah SWT?

Imam Mahdi will arise from the descendants of the Messenger of Allah

Rep: Umar Mukhtar / Red: Erdy Nasrul
Muslims, illustration. Imam Mahdi will arise from the descendants of the Messenger of Allah
Foto: Yogi Ardhi/Republika
Muslims, illustration. Imam Mahdi will arise from the descendants of the Messenger of Allah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA- Many stories indicate the emergence of Imam Mahdi, later in the end times, a harbinger of the Day of Judgment. Who is the Mahdi Imam?

Ibn Katsir in the book 'An-Nihayah fii al-Fitani wa al-Malahim' explains in the hadith narrated by Ali ibn Abi Thalib RA, it mentions the Imam Mahdi.

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It is narrated from Ali ibn Abi Thalib RA, that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The Mahdi is from our tribe, the Ahlul of the Temple. God fixed it in one night.” (H.R. Ahmad, and Ibn Majah. Dishahihkan Ahmad Syakir)

As Ibn Katsir explained, Allah forgives and guides the Mahdi. This shows that the Mahdi is an ordinary human being but given primacy to spread justice on the face of the earth. the hadith is: “That is, Allah will forgive him, guide him, and inspire him, and direct him, after he is not like that.”

From the hadith narrated by Ali ibn Abi Thalib, the Prophet Muhammad tells of the trials and crimes that will come in the end times. This signifies that Allah will improve the affairs of the faithful.

Who will be Imam Mahda and where did he come from? Still according to Ibn Katsir, this hadith states that Imam Mahdi came from Ahlul Bait. Yet how is the explanation? What is the meaning of this temple?

Ibn Katsir explained that Ahlul Bait here refers to the sense that Al Mahdi was born from the descendants of Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

His name is the same as that of the Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad bin Abdullah.

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