Senin 12 Aug 2024 03:45 WIB

MIND ID Maintain Biodiversity in Operational Areas

The MIND ID Group is not only responsible for providing added value to the country.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Budi Raharjo
ESG (illustration).
ESG (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Holding BUMN Industri Mines or MIND ID ensures the management of biodiversity around the mine's operational area. This is done by MIND ID together with the Holding members to restore the functioning of the post-mining ecosystem while having a positive impact on the environment.

MIND ID Corporate Secretary, Heri Yusuf affirmed that, in line with the principles of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), MIND ID Group is not only tasked with providing added value for the country, but also plays a role in contributing directly to society and the environment.

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“In addition to applying the principles of Good Mining Practices, MIND ID Group ensures that mining operations also maintain the surrounding biodiversity,” Heri said in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday (11/8/2024).

Through various biodiversity management initiatives, Heri continued, the mining that MIND ID does is not only sustainable, but also has a positive impact on the environment and the surrounding community. He said that mining operations areas, which are often located in forest areas and green open areas, require companies to manage biodiversity, both flora and fauna in the vicinity.