Rabu 28 Aug 2024 08:36 WIB

Three Big Challenges for Muhammadiyah to Manage Mines

Ormas managing mines requires a lot of funds.

Rep: Noor Alfian/ Red: Budi Raharjo
PP Muhammadiyah manages mines (illustration).
Foto: Republika/Havid Al Vizki
PP Muhammadiyah manages mines (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Solo—Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP), Ahmad Dahlan Rais revealed that there are three major challenges in managing mines for Muhammadiyah. Ahmad said as a religious ormas one of the challenges was the absence of capital managing the mine.

According to him, for an ormas to manage a mine, a lot of funds are needed. “If one organization does not have capital, if one has capital, it is not small,” he said when he met the media crew at the UMS Edutorium on Tuesday (27/8/2024).

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In addition to capital limitations, another challenge is the technology and know-how to manage the mine. Likewise with the experience to manage because according to him so far religious ormas are far from this.

“Both have no knowledge and technology, let alone details that are far from the fire. Three have no experience, where there is a religious body managing the mine, there is no one, it is actually spaced,” he said.