Ahad , 10 Feb 2013, 23:16 WIB
Malang apple is prone to extinction

Jumat , 08 Feb 2013, 21:01 WIB
Expert: Horticultural import ban unlikely boost local products

Rabu , 26 Dec 2012, 18:44 WIB
Minister: State-owned airlines should help agricultural product distribution

Selasa , 11 Dec 2012, 20:15 WIB
Regional heads urged to protect rice fields

Rabu , 21 Nov 2012, 19:22 WIB
Govt: No additional import quota beef despite shortages

Senin , 15 Oct 2012, 21:20 WIB
Bulog: Rice import in 2012 as much as 770,000 tonnes

Kamis , 11 Oct 2012, 15:00 WIB
No trace of arsenic in rice imported by Indonesia

Rabu , 03 Oct 2012, 21:30 WIB
Thailand imported rice allegedly contains arsenic

Ahad , 23 Sep 2012, 18:00 WIB
Govt to issue strict regulation on horticulture import

Sabtu , 22 Sep 2012, 22:55 WIB
Indonesia tasked to explore APEC's food diversification

Kamis , 20 Sep 2012, 20:04 WIB
Dutch provides scholarships on horticulture training to Indonesia

Kamis , 20 Sep 2012, 19:44 WIB
Govt: Bulog should buy rice at commercial price

Agriculture Ministry expects budget of 19 trillion IDR
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Agriculture Ministry is expected to receive budget allocations of 19.3 trillion IDR next year according to the draft 2013 state budget. The budget allocations would be used to carry out 12 agricultural programs to achieve the production targets of main farm commodities in 2013, Agriculture Minister Suswono said on Thursday. The government has set next year`s targets...