Fredrich Yunadi, the defendant in the case of obstructing investigation against his former client Setya Novanto in e-ID card graft case.

KPK prosecutors unveil Fredrich's scenario for Setya Novanto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutors have explained in details the manipulation done by Setya Novanto's ex lawyer, Fredrich Yunadi, to avoid his client from being questioned by the investigators in a high profile e-ID card procurement graft case. For his role, prosecutors have indicted Fredrich along with doctor Bimanesh Sutarjo for obstructing investigation against Novanto as...

Dokter Rumah Sakit Medika Permata Hijau, Bimanesh Sutarjo menaiki tangga untuk menjalani pemeriksaan di gedung KPK, Jakarta, Jumat (12/1).

Menkes Bisa Cabut Izin RS yang Rawat Setya Novanto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Izin rumah sakit yang merawat terdakwa korupsi KTP-El Setya Novanto saat mengalami kecelakaan bisa dicabut apabila terbukti benar menghalang-halangi proses penyidikan perkara terkait. "Itu ranah kriminal dulu, jadi dibuktikan betul dia kriminal, kalau hukumannya dari kami cabut izin," kata Menteri Kesehatan Nila Moeloek di Jakarta, Jumat (12/1).Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) telah menetapkan dokter RS Medika Permata...

Fredrich Yunadi, ex Setya Novanto's lawyer.

Kamis , 11 Jan 2018, 10:50 WIB

Fredrich Yunadi to be questioned on Friday