Kamis , 08 Feb 2018, 17:13 WIB
Fredrich says KPK's indictment is fake

Senin , 05 Feb 2018, 18:18 WIB
Fredrich's pretrial hearing adjourned until next week

Senin , 05 Feb 2018, 13:28 WIB
Setya Novanto advices Fredrich Yunadi to obey the law

Rabu , 31 Jan 2018, 17:58 WIB
KPK Perpanjang Masa Penahanan Dokter Bimanesh

Senin , 29 Jan 2018, 17:25 WIB
KPK summons nurse at Medika Permata Hijau hospital

Rabu , 24 Jan 2018, 01:34 WIB
KPK examines Setnov as witness in Fredrich's case

Jumat , 19 Jan 2018, 04:20 WIB
Lawyer reveals reasons behind Fredrich's pretrial motion

Jumat , 19 Jan 2018, 03:53 WIB
Agung Laksono refuses to testify for Fredrich Yunadi

Kamis , 18 Jan 2018, 05:55 WIB
Fredrich Yunadi to file pretrial motion against KPK

Kamis , 18 Jan 2018, 04:45 WIB
Jubir: KPK Punya Bukti Visual Terkait Kasus Fredrich

Kamis , 18 Jan 2018, 04:35 WIB
Three doctors refuse to testify for Bimanesh Sutarjo

Rabu , 17 Jan 2018, 18:28 WIB
Tiga Dokter Menolak Jadi Saksi Meringankan untuk Bimanesh

KPK cross-examines Fredrich and doctor Bimanesh
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigators conducted cross-examination of two suspects in alleged obstruction of justice case, namely lawyer Fredrich Yunadi (FY) and an internist at Medika Permata Hijau hospital, Bimanesh Sutarjo (BST). Both of them has been determined as suspect for obstructing investigation of Setya Novanto who is now the defendant in e-ID card graft case...

Jumat , 12 Jan 2018, 14:58 WIB
Mahfud MD: KPK Harus Periksa Tim Dokter Setnov

Jumat , 12 Jan 2018, 02:50 WIB
Pengamat: Kasus Fredrich dan Kecelakaan Setnov Hal Berbeda

Jumat , 12 Jan 2018, 02:07 WIB
KPK searches Fredrich's law office, Bimanesh's apartment

Kamis , 11 Jan 2018, 10:50 WIB
Fredrich Yunadi to be questioned on Friday

Kamis , 11 Jan 2018, 08:40 WIB