Rabu , 03 Aug 2016, 22:23 WIB
PDIP not yet responds to support for Risma to run for Jakarta governorship

Senin , 01 Aug 2016, 22:42 WIB
Kremlin: US covering up election intrigue by demonising Russia

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 22:03 WIB
New KPU chairman calls for maintaining unity

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 21:59 WIB
General election commission appoints new chairman

Jumat , 08 Jul 2016, 16:35 WIB
Mexico conservative opposition leads 2018 presidential field

Selasa , 21 Jun 2016, 20:19 WIB
Man arrested at Trump rally said he wanted to shoot candidate

Jumat , 17 Jun 2016, 05:48 WIB
Money politics still haunting 2017 election

Ahad , 12 Jun 2016, 19:20 WIB
Regional election law could undermine commission's independence

Selasa , 31 May 2016, 19:15 WIB
Haiti commission recommends scrapping disputed election results

Senin , 30 May 2016, 22:16 WIB
President: Law on regional head election should be permanent

Senin , 25 Apr 2016, 20:21 WIB
Republicans Cruz, Kasich reach 'stop-Trump' deal

Senin , 25 Apr 2016, 20:14 WIB
Haiti says election could drag on for months

Ahok prefers Heru in gubernatorial election
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama assessed that changes in Indonesia can be obtained if the public trust by bureaucrats, politicians and political parties. Through his duet with Heru Budi Hartono in the election of Governor (Governor Election) Establishments, 2017, he was optimistic it can be achieved.According to Governor familiarly called Ahok every competitor pries the weaknesses...

Rabu , 24 Feb 2016, 21:30 WIB
Top Iranian leader urges nation to elect parliament that can stand up to US

Selasa , 26 Jan 2016, 19:50 WIB
Thai Junta chief vows 2017 elections even if charter rejected

Ahad , 17 Jan 2016, 16:17 WIB
Tsai heading for victory in Taiwan polls

Ahad , 17 Jan 2016, 14:48 WIB
Vote count starts in Taiwan in historic presidential polls

Selasa , 08 Dec 2015, 16:07 WIB
Public discontent leads to ruling party's defeat in Venezuela

Senin , 30 Nov 2015, 20:31 WIB
Myanmar's top leaders to hold talks with Suu Kyi

Ahad , 15 Nov 2015, 17:16 WIB
Minister hopes simultaneous regional head elections to run peacefully

Kamis , 12 Nov 2015, 08:00 WIB
Suu Kyi reaches out to military with big landslide in sight

Sabtu , 07 Nov 2015, 21:19 WIB
Unease and expectation as Myanmar prepares to vote

Jumat , 06 Nov 2015, 22:19 WIB
West urges Myanmar to hold hair election and puch reforms

Rabu , 04 Nov 2015, 16:35 WIB
Election brings hope, fear for Myanmar refugees stuck in Limbo

Kamis , 29 Oct 2015, 10:13 WIB
Minister: Local election will not be postponed

Sabtu , 24 Oct 2015, 19:48 WIB
Polls predict solid conservative victory in Poland

MPR: Regional election to improve democratic system in Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Deputy Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Oesman Sapta Odang expects the implementation of the simultaneous regional elections to improve the quality of democracy in various regions in the country."We hope that simultaneous regional elections can improve the quality of democracy in Indonesia," Oesman Sapta Odang said in a press statement received here on...

Ahad , 05 Jul 2015, 18:19 WIB
Police guarantee neutrality in upcoming local elections

Senin , 08 Jun 2015, 13:00 WIB
Turkey's ruling party suffers setback at national election

Rabu , 06 May 2015, 20:30 WIB
Revision of Pilkada laws for democratic election

Senin , 30 Mar 2015, 15:51 WIB
Former HP chief Fiorina in near certain 2016 bid

Senin , 30 Mar 2015, 14:57 WIB
French right deals major blow to ruling socialists in local elections

Senin , 23 Mar 2015, 17:23 WIB
Republican ted Cruz launches 2016 race with White House bid

Senin , 16 Mar 2015, 16:56 WIB
After years of delays, Haiti at last sets election dates

Senin , 16 Mar 2015, 16:16 WIB
Dutch gear up for key provincial polls

Selasa , 17 Feb 2015, 13:01 WIB