Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 20:09 WIB
PDIP 'Projo': Kami Yakin PDIP Alat Perjuangan Politik rakyat
Ahad , 29 Dec 2013, 21:11 WIB
Anies Baswedan has highest political capability
Ahad , 29 Dec 2013, 19:19 WIB
PKS Kembali Pasang Baliho Melanggar Aturan di Bengkulu
Ahad , 29 Dec 2013, 19:05 WIB
KPU: Pemilih Tanpa NIK Tersisa 100 Orang
Ahad , 29 Dec 2013, 17:55 WIB
Ini Dia 12 Pesaing Jokowi
Sabtu , 28 Dec 2013, 22:00 WIB
All parties report their campaign funds for 2014 elections
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 15:00 WIB
Thai government seeks military help to protect poll
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 02:32 WIB
Kasad: TNI Bersikap Netral di Pilpres
Kamis , 26 Dec 2013, 13:08 WIB
Baswedan closes his first phase presidential campaign
Senin , 23 Dec 2013, 17:57 WIB
Survey: Hatta most potential candidate for president among Islamic leaders
Ahad , 22 Dec 2013, 13:10 WIB
Madagascar rivals both claim poll win, allege fraud
Sabtu , 21 Dec 2013, 11:12 WIB
Prabowo Bertemu Pimpinan Ponpes se-Jatim
Better to have more presidential candidates: Prabowo
REPUBLIKA, JAKARTA -- The presidential candidate from the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Prabowo Subianto has opined that more the candidates contesting at the 2014 presidential elections, the better it will be."The more, the better. Let the people choose," stated Prabowo, while visiting the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) office, here on Tuesday.On the occasion, the chief patron...
Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 21:07 WIB
Von der Leyen, the gynaecologist who leads Germany's defence ministry
Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 17:16 WIB
Merkel elected to third term as chancellor
Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 01:22 WIB
MK rejects lawsuit in municipal election in Padang
Jumat , 13 Dec 2013, 22:14 WIB
Four killed in Bangladesh clashes after Islamists leader executed
Rabu , 04 Dec 2013, 23:45 WIB
Indonesian 2014 presidential election violates constitution
Rabu , 04 Dec 2013, 06:51 WIB
Incumbents win Mauritania poll
Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 16:03 WIB
Survey: Jokowi, top candidate for president
Rabu , 28 Aug 2013, 03:13 WIB
General Moeldoko assures military neutrality ahead of elections
Sabtu , 17 Aug 2013, 09:56 WIB
Golkar hints that Kalla allowed to be nominated by other party
Sabtu , 17 Aug 2013, 06:45 WIB
Govt allocates 17 trillion IDR for 2014 general election
Kamis , 11 Jul 2013, 00:15 WIB
PKS: No worry to presidential election threshold
Sabtu , 18 May 2013, 22:43 WIB
A minister ready to run in presidential election 2014
Rabu , 15 May 2013, 21:59 WIB
Violation found in gubernatorial elections in Bali
Ahad , 05 May 2013, 23:53 WIB
Malaysia's ruling coalition takes early lead in poll results
Rabu , 17 Apr 2013, 19:03 WIB
PKS, the first party submitting its candidates for 2014 election
Kamis , 21 Mar 2013, 21:40 WIB
President warns of possible political escalation prior to 2014
Govt prepares 16 trillion IDR budget for 2014 election
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Government prepares budget worth 16 trillion IDR for the upcoming 2014 General Election, Minister of Finance Agus Martowardojo stated. The budget is already included within 2014 state budget. The money will be used to hold a fair and democratic election as well as maintain national stability. The minister said the budget would soon be socialized to the...
Rabu , 31 Oct 2012, 18:52 WIB