Sabtu , 24 May 2014, 23:28 WIB
All presidential candidates and their VPs must complete their documents

Rabu , 14 May 2014, 23:45 WIB
Military says securing presidential election harder

Rabu , 07 May 2014, 14:33 WIB
Yudhoyono: Do not vote for a president who endanger the nation

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 00:59 WIB
PBNU against creating central axis for presidential election

Rabu , 09 Apr 2014, 11:53 WIB
Two polling stations of Indonesia-PNG border area relocated

Senin , 07 Apr 2014, 08:31 WIB
President declares poll day public holiday

Ahad , 06 Apr 2014, 23:59 WIB
President: No room to rig elections

Kamis , 03 Apr 2014, 06:02 WIB
Ketika Capres 'Numpang' Kampanye di PP Muhammadiyah

Rabu , 02 Apr 2014, 15:21 WIB
Prabowo: Pengelolaan Keuangan Negara Tidak Efisien

Senin , 31 Mar 2014, 21:24 WIB
Yudhoyono's seven successes during his presidential tasks

Ahad , 30 Mar 2014, 16:44 WIB
SBY boasts government's achievements in campaign rally

Ahad , 30 Mar 2014, 16:34 WIB
Indonesian voters in Hong Kong show enthusiastic response

Pramono believes Democrat Party's prospect to rise
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- A Democrat Party figure said here on Saturday he believed the party's prospects would continue to rise after the campaign period ends."We start with the electability standing at 10.6 percent. After the campaign it will rise," Pramono Edhie Wibowo, a member of the ruling party's board of patrons, said during a campaign rally here.Pramono, a former...

Sabtu , 22 Mar 2014, 22:29 WIB
Chairman: PKS to join coalition with other parties

Sabtu , 22 Mar 2014, 22:16 WIB
Megawati reveals reasons for choosing 'skinny' Jokowi

Jumat , 21 Mar 2014, 01:31 WIB
PKPI campaigner uses Mandarin language in campaign

Kamis , 20 Mar 2014, 13:24 WIB
Ahok asks Jokowi not to resign as governor

Senin , 17 Mar 2014, 19:01 WIB
Three requirements for Indonesian president

Jumat , 14 Mar 2014, 18:43 WIB
Democratic Party ready to rival Jokowi

Kamis , 13 Mar 2014, 16:34 WIB
Twelve governors and deputies ask leave permit for election campaigns

Rabu , 12 Mar 2014, 18:17 WIB
President to take two-day leave for election campaigns

Rabu , 12 Mar 2014, 16:15 WIB
Yudhoyono: Democratic Party ready to become an opposition party

Ahad , 09 Mar 2014, 21:03 WIB
Indonesia's General Election Commission targets 75 pct participation

Rabu , 05 Mar 2014, 10:39 WIB
NGOs: Political parties not transparent in reporting their campaign funds

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 23:22 WIB
Yudhoyono denies the drop of his party's electability

Egypt's Sabbahi to stand in presidential election
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- A popular Egyptian dissident leader under ousted president Mohamed Morsi said Saturday he will stand in upcoming elections, in a contest likely to pit him against army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.Although the widely popular Sisi has yet to announce his candidacy, the field marshal is expected to contest and win the election, scheduled to be held...

Ahad , 02 Feb 2014, 22:33 WIB
NU: Win the election, but no greed

Ahad , 02 Feb 2014, 13:31 WIB
Prabowo to attend Gerindra anniversary commemoration in Palu

Rabu , 29 Jan 2014, 17:01 WIB
Military ready to safeguard 2014 general election

Selasa , 28 Jan 2014, 23:57 WIB
Mahfud MD reported to the police

Senin , 27 Jan 2014, 00:01 WIB
Ini Dia Kampanye Hitam untuk Capres Gerindra

Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 17:21 WIB
Six steps to maintain national economic in 2014

Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 07:56 WIB
Public expectations for Islamic Parties

Jumat , 17 Jan 2014, 17:31 WIB
First Lady talks about general election

Ahad , 12 Jan 2014, 21:11 WIB