Jumat , 26 Sep 2014, 15:49 WIB
KPK questions Freeport's former CEO

Rabu , 24 Sep 2014, 23:33 WIB
Jokowi asked to speed up energy sector development

Jumat , 19 Sep 2014, 22:57 WIB
Govt: A private company to build an oil refinery in Java

Selasa , 16 Sep 2014, 18:07 WIB
KSPI: Entrepreneurs to gain benefit from fuel price hike

Selasa , 16 Sep 2014, 11:40 WIB
Indonesia sets higher oil production target for 2015

Senin , 15 Sep 2014, 17:45 WIB
Chevron: Rokan block in Riau the largest oil source in Sumatra

Senin , 15 Sep 2014, 09:21 WIB
President to launch oil projects worth 13.6 trillion IDR

Kamis , 11 Sep 2014, 18:24 WIB
Biomass power plant to be built in S Buru

Selasa , 09 Sep 2014, 02:05 WIB
Minister: Subsidized fuel restriction should not disturb social stability

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 22:44 WIB
Govt allows Pertamina to raise gas price

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 17:19 WIB
Govt calls on airlines to use environmentally friendly fuel

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 20:38 WIB
KPK may summon former Pertamina's president director

Fuel price increase will impact on property prices
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- A number of property developers expect the increasing property price as an impact of fuel price increase. According to Chairman of Association of Real Estate Companies (REI) in Semarang MR Priyanto, the fuel price increase and property price will increase simultaneously 10 percent. Yet, the prospect has driven the increasing house sale at REI Exhibition a few...

Senin , 25 Aug 2014, 20:10 WIB
Panic buying causes queue at fuel refilling stations

Selasa , 19 Aug 2014, 17:41 WIB
SKK Migas optimistic to meet oil lifting target

Senin , 18 Aug 2014, 23:58 WIB
Semen Indonesia uses biomass as energy source

Rabu , 06 Aug 2014, 06:00 WIB
Adaro coal production increases

Senin , 14 Jul 2014, 01:31 WIB
PLN to build new power plant in Lombok

Selasa , 17 Jun 2014, 17:18 WIB
Talisman Energy starts seismic exploration at Sakakemang block

Rabu , 11 Jun 2014, 18:55 WIB
Expert: Energy crisis threat to economic resilience

Sabtu , 17 May 2014, 01:50 WIB
Pertamina to take over management rights over Mahakam block

Selasa , 13 May 2014, 21:50 WIB
Indonesia cuts 2014 crude lifting target to 818,000 bpd

Kamis , 08 May 2014, 16:34 WIB
Target Produksi Adaro Belum Disetujui

Senin , 28 Apr 2014, 23:22 WIB
PLN and Pertamina agree on new geothermal price

Sabtu , 26 Apr 2014, 23:20 WIB
Indonesia racing to beat power deficit as new project delays loom

Govt allows PLN to import LNG to meet its needs
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Government allows state owned electricity company, PT PLN to import liquified natural gas (LNG) to meet its needs. Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry director for upstream oil and gas, Hendra Fadly said that there was no ban for other business companies, including PLN to import LNG. "The import is allowed," Fadly said on Tuesday. Fadly said that import...

Sabtu , 12 Apr 2014, 21:20 WIB
Indonesia's mines ministry seeks sharp cut in Freeport and Newmont export tax

Ahad , 30 Mar 2014, 19:10 WIB
PTBA invests power plant in Myanmar and Vietnam

Kamis , 20 Mar 2014, 23:10 WIB
Indonesia, World Bank, ADB to calculate geothermal electricity selling price

Kamis , 13 Mar 2014, 20:17 WIB
SSK Migas holds the signing of six domestic gas contracts

Rabu , 19 Feb 2014, 19:24 WIB
RI's Alternative energy policy to curb CPO exports: Economist

Selasa , 11 Feb 2014, 16:31 WIB
Medco Energi gets exploration license in Juha

Senin , 10 Feb 2014, 22:36 WIB
Govt to have market consultation on refinery project

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 21:33 WIB
Pertamina's subsidiary records a surplus production in 2013

Rabu , 05 Feb 2014, 09:29 WIB
Minister: No commitment yet on Freeport smetlter

Selasa , 04 Feb 2014, 19:30 WIB