Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 19:22 WIB
Minister slashes the LPG price hike, effective on Tuesday

Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 17:00 WIB
UGM team turns palm oil dregs into fuel

Sabtu , 04 Jan 2014, 19:35 WIB
VP: President to decide the LPG price on Sunday

Sabtu , 04 Jan 2014, 10:03 WIB
Chinese investor to build solar power plants in Ternate

Kamis , 02 Jan 2014, 09:57 WIB
Govt hikes price of gas by about 68 pct

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 17:45 WIB
Minister hopes Indonesia aircraft will use biofuel

Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 17:53 WIB
Oil import costs 1.8 trillion IDR per day, next year

Ahad , 22 Dec 2013, 22:36 WIB
Minister cites effects of raw mineral export ban

Kamis , 19 Dec 2013, 18:36 WIB
Pertamina: Fuel consumption limitation can be based on distance

Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 17:51 WIB
Oil and gas reserves in critical condition

Senin , 16 Dec 2013, 17:15 WIB
IMF proposes a fixed fuel subsidy in Indonesia

Ahad , 15 Dec 2013, 12:40 WIB
Ahok asks govt to revoke fuel susbidy in Jakarta

More gas stations to be built in Java and Sumatra
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - State-owned gas company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) will construct 16 gas stations in Java and the Sumatra islands in 2014 by investing up to 260 billion IDR. "The current gas stations are not enough to fulfil the local demand, especially the demands from Transjakarta buses, whose numbers will increase from next year," company's Secretary, Heri Yusup,...

Ahad , 10 Nov 2013, 22:12 WIB
Arun gas project expected to meet energy demand in Aceh

Sabtu , 28 Sep 2013, 15:05 WIB
IPA asks govt to review tax policy on oil and gas exploration

Senin , 23 Sep 2013, 00:31 WIB
Govt to simplify permit process on oil and gas investment

Ahad , 22 Sep 2013, 16:30 WIB
Total E&P Indonesie starts an offshore project in Mahakam block

Sabtu , 21 Sep 2013, 10:36 WIB
The future of Mahakam Gas Block discussed

Ahad , 15 Sep 2013, 08:04 WIB
Batang coal steam power plant solves land acquisition challenges

Ahad , 08 Sep 2013, 21:11 WIB
PLN to build biomass power plant in Papua

Jumat , 06 Sep 2013, 23:45 WIB
Govt and parliament agree on oil lifting of 870 thousand bpd

Sabtu , 31 Aug 2013, 15:04 WIB
The use of diesel fuel must contain at least 10 percent of biodiesel

Sabtu , 10 Aug 2013, 00:31 WIB
Indonesia-France discuss Mahakam block

Kamis , 08 Aug 2013, 00:26 WIB
Electricity consumption to drop 35 percent

Selasa , 23 Jul 2013, 00:37 WIB
Analyst: Pertamina is feasible to manage Mahakam Block

Pertamina prepares sufficent fuel outlets towards Eid
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - State owned oil and gas company, PT Pertamina prepares 6,540 fuel outlets and 2,346 fuel tank fleets to serve the needs during Ramadan and Eid. Pertamina also lauched canned Pertamax with volume of 5, 10 and 20 liters to supply customers. "Premium use is expected to rise about 14 percent to 91,830 kiloliters (kl) of average daily...

Sabtu , 15 Jun 2013, 21:05 WIB
SKK Migas suggests gas standard price for fertilizer producers

Jumat , 14 Jun 2013, 20:40 WIB
W Kalimantan to import electricity from Malaysia

Jumat , 14 Jun 2013, 18:26 WIB
Three foreign investors eye photovoltaic plant project

Rabu , 12 Jun 2013, 21:20 WIB
Foreign contractors lose 1.9 trillion USD

Rabu , 05 Jun 2013, 20:24 WIB
Pertamina’s oil production may not reach target

Senin , 03 Jun 2013, 21:08 WIB
Indonesia not affected yet by OPEC’s oil quota

Sabtu , 01 Jun 2013, 21:46 WIB
World Bank urges energy at affordable price

Rabu , 29 May 2013, 19:53 WIB
Pertamina finds new oil and gas wells in S Kalimantan

Ahad , 05 May 2013, 22:11 WIB