Tentara Israel mengatakan tak ada yang terluka karena sebagian besar roket berhasil dicegat.

Jumat , 06 Aug 2021, 21:24 WIB

Hizbullah Tembakkan 10 Roket ke Israel Utara

PBB Tolak Klaim Israel atas Golan

Senin , 08 Apr 2019, 11:03 WIB

Pemilu Israel dan Kesepakatan Abad Ini

Teguh Firmansyah

Jumat , 05 Apr 2019, 05:01 WIB

Cacat Logika Donald Trump

Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

Senin , 01 Apr 2019, 06:09 WIB

Golan dan the Big Deal Presiden Trump


Sabtu , 15 Nov 2014, 23:01 WIB

PBB Kembali Ultimatum Israel

Tentara Israel berjaga-jaga di Dataran Tinggi Golan yang dikuasai negara zionis tersebut.

Selasa , 16 Sep 2014, 04:02 WIB

Pasukan PBB Direlokasi Dari Dataran Tinggi Golan

Selasa , 02 Sep 2014, 16:30 WIB

Kontak Senjata Terjadi di Golan

Map of Golan Heights occupied by Israel

Filipino peacekeepers still sholding position in Golan Heights

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MANILA -- Despite the numerous odds, 81 Filipino peacekeepers deployed to conflict-racked Golan Heights are still holding their positions despite being surrounded by Syrian anti-government forces Thursday morning.Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala, AFP public affairs office chief, said that the stand-off between Filipino troops and Syrian rebels took place around 10 a.m. Syria time (4 a.m. Manila time).Initially, the...

Israeli army

Ahad , 22 Jun 2014, 20:17 WIB

Teen killed on Israel-held Golan

 Sejumlah tank Israel bersiaga di kawasan Dataran Tinggi Golan yang diduduki Israel, dekat perbatasan dengan Suriah, Rabu (22/5).

Jumat , 07 Jun 2013, 14:18 WIB

Suriah Rebut Kembali Perlintasan Golan