Selasa , 23 Apr 2013, 22:09 WIB
Jakarta provincial government to cancel World Bank loan

Selasa , 16 Apr 2013, 21:15 WIB
MRT project will begin in 42 days

Kamis , 04 Apr 2013, 19:33 WIB
Jokowi to renegotiate MRT project

Rabu , 03 Apr 2013, 19:27 WIB
Transjakarta to operate for 24 hours

Selasa , 02 Apr 2013, 22:32 WIB
Jokowi picks MRT consultants from Singapore

Senin , 01 Apr 2013, 16:40 WIB
Jakarta to follow Singaporean system on transportation and park

Selasa , 26 Mar 2013, 21:00 WIB
Jakarta to hire foreign consultant to build Jakarta landscape

Jumat , 15 Mar 2013, 18:01 WIB