The picture shows Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta during night. Islamic heritage in Indonesia offers huge potential to develop sharia tourism. (illustration)

Jumat , 06 Sep 2013, 23:36 WIB

Indonesia needs to boost sharia tourism

Egyption supporting ousted president Mohamed Mursi attend a protest in Nasr city in Cairo, Egypt, 30 July 2013. Assembly of Indonesian Young Intellectuals and Ulama (MIUMI) plans to send delegation to Egypt to encourage the country to seek peaceful solutio

Rabu , 31 Jul 2013, 00:25 WIB

MIUMI to send delegations to Egypt

Minaret of a mosque (illustration)

Jumat , 26 Jul 2013, 01:11 WIB

Indonesian Muslims build a mosque in Sydney

Minaret of Al Kautsar Mosque in South Jakarta (illustration)

Kamis , 25 Jul 2013, 00:17 WIB

Kalla: No more blaring sound from mosques

Virgiawan Sentosa

Sabtu , 20 Jul 2013, 00:53 WIB

Vian Sentosa finds peace in Islam

Muslim's holy book, Quran (illustration)

Jumat , 19 Jul 2013, 01:20 WIB

How easy is it to read Quran?

Worshippers pray at the Grand Mosque in the holy Muslim city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on this July 10 photo.

Kamis , 18 Jul 2013, 22:30 WIB

168.000 hajj pilgrims depart this year

Quran, the Muslims' holy book (illustration)

Senin , 24 Jun 2013, 12:21 WIB

Copies of Quran for Muslims in remote islands

Hajj or pilgrimage in Mecca (illustration)

Senin , 10 Jun 2013, 01:02 WIB

Indonesia negotiates Saudi over new restriction

Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin, says that Indonesia must recognize Kosovo independence as he talks in a discussion forum in Jakarta on Thursday.

Muhammadiyah: Indonesia should recognize Kosovo independence

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Din Syamsuddin as chairman of one of the biggest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah, said that Indonesia should recognize the independence of Kosovo.  "Our government doesn't recognize the independence of Kosovo untill now. I don't see any reason for government to reject the recognition," Syamsuddin said on Saturday.  Preamble of Constitution 1945 mentions that Indonesia must take part...