Ahad 22 Sep 2013 16:13 WIB

ACT distributes sacrificial animals to 12 countries

Rep: Hafidz Muftisany/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Meat from sacrificial animals is ready to be distributed to those in need in Jakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Meat from sacrificial animals is ready to be distributed to those in need in Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - An NGO from Indonesia, Fast Response Action (ACT) distributes sacrificial animals to 12 countries this year. However, Senior Vice President of ACT, Imam Akbari said  Indonesia was still a priority.

ACT picks 12 destination countries in Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Timor Leste, South Thailand and Malaysia), Middle East (Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Syrian refugees in Jordan), Africa (Somalia and Kenya).

"It is people's choice. We send for Indonesian workers in Malaysia, while others are for Muslim minority," Akbari said.

Sending sacrificial animals to foreign mission aims for humanitarian diplomacy to build close ties and educational values. Akbari said ACT also educated locals how to treat sacrificial animal according to Islamic teachings. In Somalia for example, many residents treated those animals poorly.

For Indonesian Muslims who will sacrifice through ACT, they can pay 1.5 million IDR for domestic and 200 USD for foreign countries. This organization targets 17 thousand sacrificial animals this year. 

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