PKS leads ballot count at Sudan Embassy

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) led the ballot count in the legislative election held at the Indonesian embassy in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum last Friday, winning 55.5 percent of the votes cast.PKS won 214 of 387 votes cast by 401 registered voters, the chief of the overseas election commission (PPLN) in Sudan, Suaib Tahir, said...

Para pengungsi yang menghindar dari perang saudara di Sudan Selatan

Selasa , 08 Apr 2014, 17:47 WIB

Ratusan Warga Sudan Ngungsi ke Rumah PBB

 Kendaraan tempur lapis baja APC 6X6 Anoa 2 melakukan uji coba di Unit Produksi 2 PT Pindad, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Selasa (16/10).   (Yasin Habibi)

Jumat , 14 Mar 2014, 18:00 WIB

TNI Kirim 24 Anoa ke Sudan

Presiden Sudan Selatan, Salva Kiir

S.Sudan rejects call to free rebels

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ADDIA ABABA -- South Sudan rejected rebel calls for an immediate release of detainees after the two sides met briefly for the first time on Tuesday seeking to end fighting that has left the world's newest state on the brink of civil war."They are destroying the whole process," Yohanis Musa Pauk, spokesman for the rebel delegation loyal to...

Presiden Sudan Selatan, Salva Kiir

Rabu , 01 Jan 2014, 22:41 WIB

South Sudan conflict uproots 190.000 in 2 weeks

Presiden Sudan Selatan, Salva Kiir

Rabu , 01 Jan 2014, 22:37 WIB

UNHCR: Konflik Sudan Hasilkan 190.000 Pengungsi

UN's top humanitarian official in the country Toby Lanzer, center, makes a visit to assess the humanitarian situation at the UN compound where many displaced have sought shelter in Bentiu, in oil-rich Unity state, in South Sudan, on Tuesday, Dec. 24.

Rabu , 01 Jan 2014, 22:22 WIB

South Sudan rebels seize key town of Bor-Mayor

Ban Ki Moon

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 14:07 WIB

Ban Desak Sudan Atasi Pembunuhan Darfur

Pasukan 'United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur' (UNAMID)

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 02:38 WIB

Dua Tentara PBB Terbunuh Dalam Serangan di Sudan

Riek Machar

Sabtu , 28 Dec 2013, 16:26 WIB

Pemberontak Sudan Selatan Tolak Gencatan Senjata

Peta wilayah Sudan Selatan

Sabtu , 28 Dec 2013, 09:20 WIB

Pasukan Bantuan Pertama PBB Tiba di Sudan Selatan

Sudan dan Sudan selatan

Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 19:53 WIB

Para Pemimpin Afrika Konsolidasi Soal Sudan