Civilians arrive to a shelter at the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) compound on the outskirts of the capital Juba in South Sudan, in this December 17, 2013 handout from the UNMISS.

South Sudan soldier carrying out ethnic killing: HRW

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NAIROBI -- South Sudanese soldiers and rebels have executed people based on their ethnicity, Human Rights Watch said Thursday, as fears mount that days of heavy fighting could spiral into civil war.Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands more terrified civilians have fled their homes to seek protection at UN bases since the fighting broke out on...

Peta wilayah Sudan Selatan

Kamis , 19 Dec 2013, 10:27 WIB

Kekerasan di Sudan Meluas

Rabu , 18 Dec 2013, 09:52 WIB

Terlibat Kudeta 10 Tokoh Politik Sudan Ditangkap

Pasukan 'United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur' (UNAMID)

Sabtu , 14 Dec 2013, 04:10 WIB

Army infantry battalion to join UN peace mission

Konflik Sudan diwarnai kekerasan terus berlangsung

Jumat , 13 Dec 2013, 21:22 WIB

Yonif 700/Raider Dipercaya untuk Misi Sudan

Omar Hassan Al Bashir

Ahad , 08 Dec 2013, 08:55 WIB

Wapres Sudan Mengundurkan Diri

Red ribbon, the symbol for the fight against HIV/AIDS.  At least 38 people died of HIV/AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) in Batam in the first half of the year. (illustration)

Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 08:07 WIB

Kenya joins world in marking AIDS Day

Korban tewas (ilustrasi)

Jumat , 29 Nov 2013, 19:02 WIB

Dua Pekerja Kesehatan Tewas di Darfur

Korban tewas (ilustrasi)

Ahad , 17 Nov 2013, 10:06 WIB

Bentrokan Antarsuku di Darfur Tewaskan 100 Orang

Proyek Al Sunut Almogran City di Sudan

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 12:58 WIB

Kebangkitan Kejayaan Afrika

Sebuah festival fil Mauritania

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 09:12 WIB

Aljazair Selenggarakan Festival Film Maghreb

Presien Niger Mahamadou Issoufou (ilustrasi)

Aljazair Punya Peran Kunci di Sahel, kata Presiden Niger

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NIAMEY -- Presiden Niger Mahamadou Issoufou mengatakan, peran Aljazair sangat diperlukan dalam pengembangan wilayah Sahel. Hal tersebut diungkapkan saat menyambut kedatangan Menteri Luar Negeri Aljazair, Ramtane Lamamra di Niamey Niger. Wilayah Sahel merupakan 'ikat pinggang' benua Afrika yang menyimpan potensi ekonomi yang cukup besar. "Pembangunan pipa gas raksasa dan jalan tol Trans-Sahara dapat menciptakan keamanan wilayah itu dan saya percaya Aljazair...

Patung Raja Ramses II di Mesir.

Sabtu , 26 Oct 2013, 21:50 WIB

Jepang Longgarkan Larangan Bepergian ke Mesir

Peta wilayah Sudan Selatan

Sabtu , 26 Oct 2013, 21:36 WIB

Besok, Abyei Sudan Akan Referendum

Peta wilayah Sudan Selatan

Selasa , 22 Oct 2013, 23:04 WIB

Diterpa Bencana, Sudan Dapat Bantuan Indonesia

Muslim Sudan

Selasa , 22 Oct 2013, 16:11 WIB

Indonesia's Export Highly Demanded in Sudan

Salah satu hasil produksi UKM (ilustrasi).

Selasa , 22 Oct 2013, 15:02 WIB

Produk Asal Indonesia Diminati di Sudan

Ban Ki-Moon dan Martin Nesirky (kanan)

Selasa , 22 Oct 2013, 14:40 WIB

UNMISS Kecam Kekerasan di Sudan Selatan

Ban Ki-Moon dan Martin Nesirky (kanan)

Ahad , 13 Oct 2013, 07:30 WIB

Sekjen PBB Serukan Penangkapan Penyerang UNAMID