Kamis , 08 Jun 2017, 07:03 WIB
Alleged terrorists are on wanted list of Philippine police

Sabtu , 03 Jun 2017, 03:00 WIB
Military deploys spy planes on Indonesia-Philippines border

Sabtu , 27 May 2017, 11:08 WIB
Egyptian forces hit terror camps in response to Minya attack: Sisi

Senin , 27 Mar 2017, 21:24 WIB
Women gather on Westminster Bridge in silence to remember victims

Jumat , 24 Mar 2017, 22:18 WIB
A hijabi woman in the scene of London terrorist attacks

Jumat , 24 Mar 2017, 19:04 WIB
Eight alleged terrorists plan to build military training camp in Halmahera

Jumat , 24 Mar 2017, 18:16 WIB
Police says Thamrin bombing fund provided by suspected terrorist SM

Kamis , 23 Mar 2017, 20:21 WIB
Detachment 88 arrests four suspects of terrorist in Banten

Senin , 13 Mar 2017, 19:00 WIB
Police arrests syndicate of Cicendo bombers

Rabu , 01 Feb 2017, 08:01 WIB
Three terror suspects arrested in Central Java

Kamis , 05 Jan 2017, 17:09 WIB
U.S to transfer four Guantanamo Bay detainees to Saudi Arabia

Rabu , 04 Jan 2017, 18:16 WIB
No Indonesian casualties among victims of Baghdad bombing

Police arrest 14 members of MNS's suspected terrorist network
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- In the past few days, Indonesia's police anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 has arrested 14 suspected terrorists linked to the MNS group loyal to ISIS. "Fourteen people have been arrested after being identified as members of a network," Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, head of the Public Information Division of the Indonesia Police, said at the Indonesia Police...
Rabu , 14 Dec 2016, 02:22 WIB
Cabinet Secretary believes bomb in Bekasi is targeting the Presidential Palace

Rabu , 07 Dec 2016, 00:03 WIB
Indonesia is very wary of the existence of Jamaah Anshar Daulah: BNPT

Selasa , 29 Nov 2016, 08:01 WIB
Densus 88 arrests another terrorist suspect

Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 18:42 WIB
Police determines former terror convict as suspect of Samarinda blast

Senin , 07 Nov 2016, 23:24 WIB
Police must check online efforts to spread radicalism

Kamis , 27 Oct 2016, 00:10 WIB
Minister confirms Tangerang Police attacker as Islamic State sympathizer

Senin , 24 Oct 2016, 12:32 WIB
Clerics to be involved in preventing spread of radicalism

Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 01:41 WIB
Tangerang police attacker often chats with IS member

Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 01:06 WIB
IS recruits followers through social media

Jumat , 14 Oct 2016, 03:19 WIB
Govt mulling super maximum security prison for drug lords convicts

Jumat , 30 Sep 2016, 00:04 WIB
'Terrorist in Indonesia have been using cyber-based tools'

Sabtu , 03 Sep 2016, 23:19 WIB
Police arrest suspected terrorist in Batam

Ahad , 07 Aug 2016, 21:03 WIB
Bangladesh issues arrest warrants over killing of Japanese citizen

Police Chief: Batam terrorist group planned to strike Singapore
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- National Police Chief Tito Karnavian said that the six alleged terrorists arrested in Batam, Riau Islands, planned to carry out an attack in Singapore. "I hereby confirm that the group had planned to execute terrorist acts in Singapore and Batam," the Police Chief said in Semarang on Friday.He revealed that the group was directly connected with Bahrun...

Selasa , 26 Jul 2016, 17:15 WIB
Prediction of future terror act post the death of Santoso

Ahad , 24 Jul 2016, 09:05 WIB
Terror suspect Santoso's wife in hospital

Rabu , 20 Jul 2016, 21:35 WIB
Deputy House Speaker lauds Tinombala operation

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 22:08 WIB
VP lauds performance of Tinombala task force

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 20:19 WIB
Police: Tinombala operation in Poso to continue

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 20:11 WIB
Four more Italians confirmed dead in Nice attack

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 20:00 WIB
Minister hopes stability would soon return to Poso

Selasa , 19 Jul 2016, 19:58 WIB
Tinombala operation's chief confirms Santoso shot dead

Jumat , 15 Jul 2016, 22:33 WIB