Rabu , 11 May 2016, 21:18 WIB
Tinombala operation extended for three months

Senin , 09 May 2016, 21:36 WIB
The success of Operation Tinombala

Senin , 09 May 2016, 21:32 WIB
Poso conflict and the existence of terrorist group

Selasa , 03 May 2016, 18:38 WIB
The end of terrorist Santoso adventure

Ahad , 01 May 2016, 23:24 WIB
Defeating Santoso's terror group, it is not an easy task
Jumat , 29 Apr 2016, 23:23 WIB
Paris police arrest 27 after overnight violence

Kamis , 28 Apr 2016, 20:30 WIB
China seeks repatriation of its citizens linked to Santoso group

Senin , 25 Apr 2016, 22:46 WIB
Another member of Santoso group killed

Kamis , 21 Apr 2016, 23:50 WIB
Paris attacks suspect charged with attempted murder in Belgium

Senin , 28 Mar 2016, 20:55 WIB
The Human Right and the Democracy will be maintained perfectly

Jumat , 25 Mar 2016, 01:02 WIB
Lawyer: Paris attack suspect to return to 'explain himself'

Ahad , 06 Mar 2016, 17:12 WIB
The discussion on terrorism held by KONTRAS

Operational right of BIN and police function
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By : Nunun Wahyuni *)Sometimes a surprise and unpredictably terrorist action took place in Jakarta, such as the suicide bombing on MH Thamrin Street in front of Sarinah Super Market last month. After those actions, some of pressure group was judged that BIN as the State Intelligent was again considered as too late in predicting this attack. However,...

Ahad , 22 Nov 2015, 16:49 WIB
Six employees of Russian Airline killed in Mali attack

Selasa , 28 Jul 2015, 22:07 WIB
Egypt police kills two suspected jihadists in Cairo raid

Rabu , 27 May 2015, 11:27 WIB
Police: Arresting terrorist leader santoso is difficult task

Senin , 25 May 2015, 17:11 WIB
Police confiscate weapons from shot-dead terrorists in Poso

Senin , 25 May 2015, 10:00 WIB
Two suspected terrorists killed in Poso

Rabu , 15 Apr 2015, 17:12 WIB
Six arrested in UK on suspicion on terrorism

Selasa , 14 Apr 2015, 13:52 WIB
Police arrest two terror suspects in Bima

Selasa , 07 Apr 2015, 13:40 WIB
Military: Terror suspects likely crossed over to Southeast Sulawesi

Senin , 06 Apr 2015, 11:00 WIB
Two terror suspects shot dead in C Sulawesi

Senin , 23 Mar 2015, 17:50 WIB
Morocco dismantles terrorist cell plotting attacks

Sabtu , 03 Jan 2015, 06:34 WIB
Police arrested 23 terror suspects in C Sulawesi last year

Senin , 22 Dec 2014, 23:03 WIB
Densus 88 arrests suspected terrorist in East Java

Minister: UK faces biggest terrorism threat in its history
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Britain is facing the biggest terrorism threat in its history and has foiled around 40 major plots since suicide bombers attacked London in 2005, Home Secretary Theresa May said on Monday. Britain raised its terrorism alert to the second-highest level in August, saying an attack was now "highly likely". The government would on Wednesday set out new...

Senin , 11 Aug 2014, 00:43 WIB
Police: Suspected terrorist in Jatiasih involved in ISIS ideology

Ahad , 10 Aug 2014, 14:00 WIB
Anti-terrorist squad arrest JAT chief executive

Kamis , 24 Jul 2014, 23:42 WIB
Norway on alert over terrorist threat

Kamis , 15 May 2014, 23:06 WIB
Five Terrorist Suspect Arrested in Klaten

Selasa , 21 Jan 2014, 10:06 WIB
Russians study video threatening Olympics

Selasa , 07 Jan 2014, 09:31 WIB
Rights body studying shooting of suspected terrorists

Sabtu , 04 Jan 2014, 20:45 WIB
President Yudhoyono praises police efforts to counter terrorism

Kamis , 02 Jan 2014, 08:01 WIB
Mogadishu hotel targeted by bombs, at least 11 killed

Senin , 16 Dec 2013, 19:13 WIB