Rabu , 25 Sep 2024, 14:00 WIB
Pengamat: Transisi Pemerintahan Jokowi ke Prabowo Jamin Stabilitas Ekonomi
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Capaian kinerja pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo selama 10 tahun terakhir mendapat apresiasi dari berbagai kalangan, termasuk pengamat ekonomi dan politik. Para pakar menilai bahwa meski menghadapi tantangan...
Jumat , 03 May 2024, 21:54 WIB
Vice President Gibran: We Go Straight to Work
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka admitted that he will work directly after he is officially sworn in as RI 2 on October 20, 2024. “So we will be sworn in directly to work, work, work and execute,” Gibran said in Solo City, Central Java, Thursday (2/5/2024). Gibran said that the transition process from the government of...
Jumat , 03 May 2024, 12:55 WIB
Seusai Dilantik Jadi Wapres, Gibran: Kita Langsung Kerja, Kerja, Kerja
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- Wakil Presiden Terpilih Gibran Rakabuming Raka...
Selasa , 30 Apr 2024, 13:18 WIB
Ketua MPR Pastikan Transisi Jokowi ke Prabowo Berjalan Efektif
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ketua MPR Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) mengatakan,...