Ahad 22 Oct 2023 07:59 WIB

Gibran and the Shadow of Political Dynasty

Gibran officially promoted by the Golkar Party as a vice presidential contender.

Rep: Eva Rianti, Febryan A, Nawis Arsyad Akbar/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka while attending the Golkar Party's II National Rapimnas at the Golkar Party DPP Office, Jakarta, Saturday (21/10/2023).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka while attending the Golkar Party's II National Rapimnas at the Golkar Party DPP Office, Jakarta, Saturday (21/10/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- As expected, the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates last week opened Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming's steps towards next year's presidential election. Questions about dynastic political practices arose again after Gibran was officially promoted by the Golkar Party as a companion for presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, yesterday.

Gibran doesn't seem to care about this assumption. "Let the people judge," Gibran answered Republika after being questioned several times about the issue of dynastic politics, at the Proclamation Monument, Central Jakarta, Saturday (21/10/2023) evening. President Joko Widodo's eldest son took up much of the discussion later. He just folded his hands, a sign that he didn't want to say much. "Thank you," he said briefly.

Baca Juga

The promotion of Gibran by the Golkar Party yesterday seemed sudden. Nevertheless, the gathering of hundreds of young people in a declaration of support for Prabowo-Gibran at the Proclamation Monument last night indicates a certain level of preparations.

Hundreds of young people have been visiting the Proclamation Monument past Maghrib time. They are members of various youth groups, such as students, social media activists, entrepreneurs, workers, and even street vendors.

The Proclamation Monument area suddenly became a sea of ​​people. "We are ready to work together to carry out electoral work for the victory of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the next presidential election. Proclamation Monument, 21 October 2023," read the declaration read with the audience.

The declaration event was enlivened by performances by a number of local bands and singers. In general, the event was filled with testimonials and audience opinions about the figure of Gibran. In the middle of the event, there was a screening of 17 priority programs that Gibran had successfully achieved while leading the city of Solo.

Gibran then arrived at around 21.10 WIB. On that occasion, Gibran said that after being officially promoted by the Golkar Party as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate, he made visits to a number of coalition party chairmen. Namely, the General Chair of the Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto, the General Chair of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan, the General Chair of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) Yusril Ihza Mahendra, as well as the General Chair of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto. "Going around to the coalition chairman. Good (results)," he said.

Just a few hours before the event, Gibran had just received support from the Golkar Party, owner of the most votes and parliamentary seats in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), supporting Prabowo. This official position was announced at the National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) of the Golkar Party at the party headquarters in Palmerah, West Jakarta.

In the Rapimnas which was also attended by Prabowo, the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, said that his party had discussed it carefully and prioritized greater interests in determining the vice presidential candidate. He also had a meeting with all the Golkar Party DPD chairs on Friday evening.

"We met for quite a long time, it was warm, but everyone was in consensus proposing and supporting Mas Gibran Rakabuming Raka to be paired with Pak Prabowo as a candidate for vice president of the Republic of Indonesia," said Airlangga.

Airlangga then asked for approval from all the Golkar Party leaders present. Everyone said they agreed. Airlangga then tapped the gavel as a sign that his party officially supported Prabowo-Gibran. Not long after, behind Airlangga a photo of Prabowo and Gibran appeared as well as writing about the presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 presidential election.

Prabowo Subianto stated that he would discuss Gibran Rakabuming's name in the meeting to determine the vice presidential candidate which involved all the general chairs of the KIM political party. "Of course we will take this proposal (Gibran's cawapres) to the party chairman's forum," said Prabowo after attending the Golkar Party's national meeting at the party headquarters with the banyan tree logo, West Jakarta, Saturday (21/10/2023).

Prabowo considered Golkar's decision to nominate him and Gibran to be an extraordinary decision. This is because Golkar previously nominated its general chairman, Airlangga Hartarto, as a presidential or vice presidential candidate. Prabowo then personally received the vice presidential candidate proposed by Golkar. "Golkar gives up the interests of parties, groups, for the sake of greater interests. Of course this is an honor. I accept it," said the General Chair of the Gerindra Party.

Golkar's promotion of Gibran is a kind of repetition of history. The Banyan Party was President Suharto's main vehicle during the New Order era which was overthrown in 1998 due to a number of issues, including nepotism. 

The Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) stated that it would hold further demonstrations to reject dynastic politics after Gibran was proposed by Golkar. “Of course we will continue to voice this loudly. "We reject all attempts by political dynasties that are and want to be built," said BEM SI Central Coordinator Hilmi Ash Shiddiqi to Republika yesterday. "We will consolidate further (follow-up demonstrations)," he said.

Crowds from the BEM SI Alliance held a Royal Palace march in the Horse Statue area, Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023). This action was a response to the Constitutional Court's decision which was deemed to perpetuate the practice of corruption and dynastic politics. The action lasted until evening, the protesters dispersed at around 20.00 WIB. - (Republika/Thoudy Badai)

Meanwhile, the founder of the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) Denny JA said that dynastic politics is a common thing in democratic countries, both developed and developing countries. "In the United States, George HW Bush and his eldest son, George W Bush, were both president; while another son, John E Bush, was governor of Florida," said Denny in a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday.

According to him, this happened as a consequence of the application of democratic principles, especially the principle of equal rights. "All citizens have the same right to become leaders. A citizen, whether he is the son of a farmer or the son of the president, must not be discriminated against," added Denny.

Apart from that, he continued, the constitution, which is the highest rule in a democratic country, does not prohibit children of officials from becoming regional or national leaders while their parents are still in office. Moreover, according to Denny, the success of someone taking part in a political contest in Indonesia is determined by the people through elections which are carried out directly, publicly, freely, secretly, honestly and fairly. "In the end, determining whether a leader is elected or not is based on the results of the general election," he said.

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