Selasa 31 Oct 2023 15:55 WIB

Youth Suicide on the Rise, UGM to Ban 'Killer Lecturers'

UGM already has mechanisms that can barricade potential mental health problems.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
UGM Campus Yogyakarta.
Foto: Yusuf Assidiq
UGM Campus Yogyakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Vice Rector for Education and Teaching at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Wening Udasmoro, called mental health vulnerability among adolescents and students an iceberg phenomenon that needs to be mitigated nationwide. According to him, the problems that adolescents who experience mental health problems often face come from family rather than college.

“I look year after year, and these are in my opinion the worst years. These mental health issues, student vulnerability and so on, these are the worst years. So this is really national it should be a joint movement, not shy anymore,” Wening said in a hybrid discussion, quoted on Tuesday (31/10/2023).

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He said that what is happening more and more in today's society is not only suicide, but also attempted suicide. In addition, there are also more cases of bipolar and mental health cases, some even occurring since primary school (primary school). Therefore, solutions to deal with it are an important value to be easily sought.

“I think this solution can be done from different sides. Individually there is strengthening from families, educational institutions related to us in the UGM, the country, and I think it has to be comprehensive, there has to be really comprehensive mitigation from the state,” he said.