Selasa 21 Nov 2023 14:19 WIB

Ministry of Religion Optimistic Madrasah With Superior Character Can Be Realized

Madrasah with superior character will improve the quality of the nation's HR.

Illustration of the activities of madrasah students.
Foto: Dokumen
Illustration of the activities of madrasah students.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag) Wibowo Prasetyo is optimistic that the Madrasah with Superior Character called by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) can be realized with the quality improvement efforts made today.

Wibowo, in his remarks in Jakarta on Sunday, conveyed this optimism while giving a briefing in front of hundreds of madrasah teachers in Wonosobo district, East Java.

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“Seeing the high motivation of the teachers here, I am sure that the Madrasah of Outstanding Character in Wonosobo can be realized. Indeed, it is not easy to improve the quality of education because it requires seriousness, budget adequacy, and even sacrifice. But most importantly, in the midst of various limitations, the spirit of collaboration must not be abandoned,” Wibowo said.

According to him, the quality of education in madrasahs will continue to improve as the curriculum is revised and teaching capacity is increased. Moreover, he saw the potential and spirit of the teachers.

Madrasah does not only provide science, but also develops students' soft skills in order to build positive character.

He revealed that there are several things that need to be considered in the formation of character education in madrasahs, including curriculum development, madrasah culture development, extracurricular activities, and daily activities at home.

In order to realize students of character, according to him, the capacity, quality of teachers and educational personnel must be strengthened in order to be effective facilitators of learning. The involvement of parents and the community through the madrasah committee, he argues, also holds the key to the success of creating a supportive learning environment.

“Character madrasah can't get away with technology. So it's time for madrasah teachers to be adaptive with recent technology. Make the most of the internet as much as possible. Use a variety of social media platforms to facilitate learning, so students will be more at home and easy to catch lessons,” he said.

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