Kamis 14 Dec 2023 21:21 WIB

Anak Krakatau Mount Erupts Three Times, Ash Column Reaches 1.000 Meters

There will be 131 eruptions during 2023.

Rep: Mursalin Yasland/ Red: Fernan Rahadi
CCTV footage of Mount Anak Krakatau erupted five times on Monday (4/12/2023).
Foto: Dok.Magma Indonesia
CCTV footage of Mount Anak Krakatau erupted five times on Monday (4/12/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG — Gunung Anak Krakatau (GAK) erupted three times again on Thursday (14/12/2023). The height of the volcanic ash column reached 1.000 meters, people are still prohibited from approaching the GAK a radius of five kilometers.

Based on data from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), Thursday (14/12/2023), GAK activity occurred three eruptions, namely at 05:37 with an observed ash column height reaching 1.000 meters above the summit or reaching 1,157 meters above sea level (MDPL).

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The observed ash column is greyish in colour with a thick intensity towards the north. This eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 55 milimeters and a duration of 20 seconds.

"People, visitors, tourists, hikers do not approach Mount Anak Krakatau or do any activity within a radius of 5 kilometers from the active crater," said Andi Suardi, head of the GAK Monitoring Post in Hargo Pancuran Village, Rajabasa, South Lampung, Thursday (14/12/2023).

He said that GAK activity also occurred at 10.10 with the height of the observed ash column reaching 800 m above the summit or reaching 957 mpl. The observed ash column is grayish in color with moderate to thick intensity towards the north. This eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 52 milimeters and a duration of 20 seconds.

Then finally, there was an eruption at 12.12 with the height of the observed ash column reaching 800 meters above the summit or reaching 957 mpl. The observed ash column is grayish in color with moderate to thick intensity towards the northeast. This eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 70 milimeters and a duration of 25 seconds.

According to Andi Suardi, there were 131 eruptions of GAK activity during 2023. Currently, GAK status is still level III or standby. The public, fishermen, visitors, hikers, and others remain prohibited from approaching the active crater GAK within a 5-kilometer radius.

While fishermen in South Lampung Regency, including Sebesi Island, the island adjacent to GAK continue to search for fish in the sea. Residents stated that GAK activity during this time has not disturbed the fishing community on Sebesi Island looking for fish in the waters of the Sunda Strait.

“It is still normal, fishermen are still at sea looking for fish in the waters of the Sunda Strait,” said Yusuf, a resident of Sebesi Island.

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